When you spend as much time as Veronica does sitting in front of the PC playing games, your headset better be comfortable. So after a two week trial, does Veronica give the SoundBlaster World of Warcraft Wireless Headset a thumbs up or thumbs down? Watch the video to find out!

23 7 Less than a minute
does it work on console
Please help I lost my USB what do I do now
Away we'd sit ot go. down download for sound blaster wireles head set
where can i buy it i want it FOR THE HORDE!
let say i dont play WoW and i love to use the dead set for League of legends or dota . So do i had to buy WoW in order to get the settting ( change color .. this and that …change your voice )
Does it work for any other PC game or all video games
ok so if your using vent why wouldnt you just hotkey the volume up or down button on the headset to be your PTT?
I have a question,aside from the wireless USB connected,is there a regular headphone jack version?
I have these :3, They are great!!
the alliance is the best they should banned you from wow just for saying that
Of course. If you can't, that would be an enourmous failure, and would be hotfixed within a day or two.
For the alliance! 😉
Can You use them for PS3? Because i have those Wired and i can only speak and listen to other players speaking but i cant hear the game and i dont know why …
You can remove the push to talk, you can have mic open or mike sensitive where it only activates when you start talking.
Been using this headset for about 5 or 6 months now. Have to say the voice changer is alot of fun for trolling new people in vent, making them think I'm a girl.
my question is can you use it for skype?
i have to say the world of warcraft headset looks a lot nicer than the fatality.
for the alliance!!!!!
Sorry, that comment of mine is no longer valid. After doing a lot of research, I've found out that any USB-powered headset (and headsets in general) have inferior sound quality. I would recommend you to get a nice pair of AKG headphones and a stand-alone mic, mate. That is the winning combination.
YEh mine lasted like 3 days before CRACK !!! i had to superglue the ear piece back on the mic quality is awful and makes my ears sweat after a few hours im useing my creative hs-1200 still after all these years thinking of getting some corsair 2000's or astro A40's now