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Editor : TakLunae [Discord : taksangre]
what's stupid is you need to triple authenticate to create groups for delves. why? nothing else requires that. why didn't they do that for content unspeficied parties that typically sell services?
Being a warlock completely bypasses the breath mechanic in the underwater delves which makes them a lot easier. I’m still not keen on underwater combat tho, it’s much more difficult to gauge the distance of the mobs. Fortunately you can choose which delves you do and avoid the underwater ones – I’ve only seen two of them.
I guess people who don't like the underwater delves never played Sonic as a kid @_@
I've never played wow. Always been a console player. Have played ffxiv for almost a decade. Came here out of curiosity.😊
I liked the underwater air thing. It also helps players get used to watching mechanics outside their character, as like a, beginner raid thing. Also there are tons of ways to breathe underwater, makes potions and toys have more use
everyone will be running around in heroic raid ilvl gear.
mark my words… when everyone is heroic.. no one will be.
"Delves are not mandatory grinds for burrowed power" is a hilarious Freudian slip.
They would not need delves if they made leveling no longer boringly-brain-dead-easy
I've been a dedicated FFXIV player since 2021, but Delves convinced me to get The War Within.
Been enjoying them so far. It's a fun, low-commitment way to get gear, and it's cool how the Delves change.
Delves are a lot of fun while leveling up, I stopped doing them because the rewards weren’t that much and some of them are very annoying.
this might make me buy the xpac and come back. none of the "new" features looked all that exciting to me, but hearing delves is very good makes me interested. appears delves arent a carbon copy of Chorghast, and thats great. i didnt mind Torghast until they put the damn timer in. hate timers. im a casual now, raided hard back in the day but not about that sweaty life anymore. allowing me to still chase decent gear without the time/toxicity is right up my alley. ty 4 the vid.
lower the fcking music jeez
if wow is a themepark mmo, you're not supposed to be forced to ride one ride before being allowed a different ride in a theme park .. like a box of chocolates
Wasn’t expecting to play this expansion. Hubby surprised me with a copy. Used the boost on a mage and regretted it bc they immediately made leveling more difficult. Now leveling a hunter to catch up and really enjoying my time. I’m not in the new zones yet as I am juggling multiple mmos right now but I am having fun in WoW again which is amazing and never thought that would happen again.
The underwater Delve if your a Warlock or use potions you can totally ignore the meter and just reapply the buff anytime. I was fine with my Warlock, however with my Shadow Priest it got a bit annoying lol.
They are not completely optional. You do have to do one, thus far, for the Post Leveling campaign. Not near as bad as Torghast, but we will see where they go from here. At least delves are far far superior to Torghast.