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Black Ops 6 Settings Graphics, Controller, Audio Black Ops 6 Settings You NEED to Change Immediately in the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Beta
Black Ops 6 Gameplay in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Gameplay EARLY! get ready for black ops 6 TODAY with best Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 beta gameplay, stay tuned for black ops 6 class setups, classes. Hope you enjoy!
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
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Black Ops 6 – 24 Settings You NEED to Change Immediately!
Graphics 0:00–3:19
Controller 3:20–6:45
Audio 6:46–7:27
Interface 7:28–8:03
Misc: 8:04–8:20
Thanks a lot man! Have fun!
For slide/dive I’m doing hybrid but I can’t slide only dive
Texture resolution is not really a hit to performance and should always be on normal or high. Will not lose much fps at all and much better visuals.
Need the ps5 setting!playing on ps5 in mw3 has higher fps than BO6!
How do you get rid of focused mode in general
so in my game i dont have Movement or Combat as an ooption but instead have just Gameplay…. why is that?
clean bro🔥
clean bro 🔥 got my sub!
a 3080 in 2024
How do you do 3rd person settings I can’t find anything on it
Am I the only one that feels like 6-6 on this game feels slower than mw3?
This was very useful for a day. When i got back on stuttering in every game. They must have done something to bo6 cause my setting and still up to date
Thank you
No PS5/console😭
Go back to MW3 B06 gay
and yet another controller settings yawn would be refreshing if a youtuber actually did video for keyboard and mouse
every setting on low is wild 😂 get a better pc brother
HELP! I cant change my controller settings?
Knife being on weapon cycle would complete change the YY habit. You’d have to then YYY lol.
how did you connect ps5 controller to pc mine isnt working
I know I know I know the controller currently has the advantage when it comes to some aim assist. But the amount of graphic options and FPS boosts PC has is just insane compared to a general Xbox series X setup. In all honesty I think PC with M & K still has the overall advantage. Purely down to how fast paced this CoD is and each frame counts. Now I'm not saying I'm right, because I've never played PC. But it's my inexperienced opinion when I look at the difference when it comes to gameplay.
Hate how the minimap doesn’t show your teammates arrow when far away.
I love searching for +PC and controller settings come up.
Thing is if I set my FPS to unlimited I get a lot of screen tearing
I’m no math major but this has to be more than 24 settings
I’m thanking you now lol
You get better sliding cancelling by turning of slide maintains sprint fyi
Can tell this guy has no idea wtf he's on about as he doesnt explain any of the settings at all
So you have your customs sens off so what you just use like default ads sens??
I'm gonna be honest, soundbar sounded like ass to me in this beta. I couldn't hear enemy gunshots properly. I'm looking to find something better but I'm not sure if that's a settings issue or a game issue.
So basically don't change any settings just keep exactly the same as always
Potato gameplay lol😂
1000 dollars plus pc just to play at low graphical settings. This is why I hate pc players. Literally fucking pointless
thanks i was trying to find out how to change my mini map my neck was starting to hurt a little from constantly looking up to see where the enemies/red dots are having it at the bottom feels way more comfy
Almost every game I play I crash and I rarely crash in mw3. Any tips ?
On console we cant have eco mode preset on custom only off – Efficiency- low consumption what should I choose on psn
anyone know how to overclock controller without getting the red box?
Can you please make a video for Xbox series x? Or do you know someone who made one
Def gotta put knife in the weapon cycle. Else you washed 😂