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Who Are The Haranir In World of Warcraft?

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  1. Now we can add furry trolls to the troll list. Joy. /s

    On a more serious note, Blizzard really needs to stop adding new races constantly, especially ones as disappointing as this. I'm sure they'll find their fans, but I'd rather have playable naga, vrykul and ogres with vastly more customization added to already existing playable races too.

  2. I think the fissure is where the tree was ripped out. I think all the water underground is running in from the fissure, but it has to run out somewhere or it was fill up eventually.

  3. The Haranir are the original Druids that are ordered to watch over the roots of the first world tree! It is known in our world that if the roots survive the tree can be saved & regrow from them! I want them as a playable allied race for everyone!

  4. I love how this theory offers a way they could potentially payoff the Harronir & Elun’ahir, the Kobyss & the underground sea in Hallowfall, AND the bottom of the Coreway & (presumably) the worldsoul, all in a single zone that would fit beneath all the current zones and reasonably connect to each of them.

  5. They are the new race that's an easy reskin to add to the "allied race" category. So they can give us a new race without actually putting in any real work into a "new" race.

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