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Why NO ONE Plays: Gnar | League of Legends

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Gnar has to be the most unique shapeshifting champion in League of Legends, as well as one of the most impactful teamfighting champions in the game. Interestingly, he happens to be one of the less popular shapeshifters, not played as often as the likes of Jayce, Nidalee, Rek’sai, etc. Today we’re gonna investigate Why NO ONE Plays: Gnar!

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  1. Why not make his rage a sort of combo of trynd rage/rumble heat and then for his ult have it a bit like Samira.

    So he builds rage and then at certain values maybe he gains move move speed and his next ability use is empowered. Q slows more and deals more damage, E deals aoe damage etc etc but using an empowered ability will reduce his rage

    Then for his ult, if he's at full rage, he can ult and transform into mega gnar, and his ult last for a specified amount of time

  2. Disclaimer: Vars clearly knows what he’s talking about, I’m just pointing this out. I think gnats transformation, while involuntary, isn’t luck based when it comes to team fights. If you feel like a fight will happen, hit scuttle, go to a nearby wave for rage, and get close to transforming. Then, proc it in the fight. This is difficult to do, but highly rewarding since it helps better control gnar’s transformation.

  3. I think people play gnar straight up wrong. You will not ever find success with him if you play him as a diver, because its not consistant. Instead, I paly him as a counter engage. Usually start fights by managing my rage into having mini for as long as possible, so that when someone damages me or engages into me, my rage gets maxed and Im able to counter engage or just… not die. Gnar deals tons of damage for the first 3 items. After that, it falls off because the damage he deals dwindles compared to most champs, and you do become more dependent of a decent engage to be useful, but the strategy I mentioned before would still work. Just stop trying to engage guys, mini gnar is incredibly strong.

  4. gnar has been basically my main in top since it came out.
    is the one i feel the most comfortable with, i think one reason why he is not as popular is because a lot of new champs completly own mini gnar in top lane, mini gnar is extremely good vs slow bulky champs (like cho, sion mordekaiser if you manage to dodge his pull and Q) and really bad vs basically any champ with gapclosers and cc (irelia, riven, renekton, ) and basically all new champs have gap closers and some form of cc.
    in early game one mistake with mini gnar and you are dead or at least more than half your hp is gone, is when you get your first or second item that you can start to really bully your enemy with your speed.
    mega gnar i actually feel that is his weakest form most of the time at least in lane you use it to finish a fight but if you start with it you will be in big problems vs almost any other top laner it has high burst but mini gnar deals more sustained dmg.
    mega gnar feels like is only to start team fights/ganks or to finish a enemy, he is also not the most tanky champion.

  5. They could add a effect to his abilities if they don’t already where one decreases his rage and one increases it but a little fun thing would be if you want to decrease it you have to land the attack on a enemy champ, minion, or jungle monster otherwise the decrease will turn into a increase rage that way it would give players a sense of control while also keeping it a bit skill reliant as they have to hit something to decrease it otherwise they’ll possibly increase it and transform because of there missed ability

  6. gnars problem is that he's way too fair of a champion in a world where the design philosophy has shifted to unfairness for the sake of being fun to play. He's so easily exploited by people who know what they're doing and gets left in the dust by characters who basically plays themselves but gnar mains would rather have their main die in a corner forgotten than have him brought to the spotlight because they want to feel unique and cool playing their funny little hybrid yordle. They're basically gatekeeping him, really tragic.

  7. As a long-term Gnar addict, I think that Gnar has always been well positioned in the game. He is strong enough to see pro play throughout the years, but not dominant in solo queue, which is a good thing. He is satisfying to play, even in mini. You say that his transformation is too easy to play around at higher levels, but as you climb higher, teams on both sides understand the concept of the loaded gun pointed at the team fight when they see his rage bar is close to full. Sometimes the threat is all you need imo.

  8. Okay here it is Mini Gnar his ult is shape shift (he gets this at level 6) This lets him shape shift pre full furry. BUT he loses his empowerd R and it goes on cooldown. somethign like this

  9. As an EX gnar main ( also getting back into gnar ) i find a lot of his "team fight wins" come from him being able to mega and if you get poked into mega sometimes it can hurt ur team a lot HOWEVER if you are building to play MEGA then you have to understand not to be a big bitch when ur mini gnar ( kite, poke and burst enemies when you can, but also don't hesitate to take shots for your adc or mid laner ) you are still a bruiser/tank and gnar i find is really good at dealing with fed people which is a bonus

  10. Don’t need to change him, he’s still played in high level pro play, he’s op and people don’t know that. People just doesn’t know, there’s nothing wrong with the champ

  11. I was a gnar main and still like to play him. Im in low elo and what i like about gnar is that like half of the people that i play against dont know how to play against a gnar and are very easy to get a lead on. So i think he should stay like he is and sould be a neash pick like asol was before he got his rework

  12. maybe a make gnar's r give him a certain amount of rage at a cost, like health, debuff, or channel? It would require buildup of rage still, but would allow more consistent access as a trade off

  13. Nah, I wouldnt change his abilities, the problem is not mega, is mini.
    His aa range was good for the state of the game when he was released, the tradeoff was that he was squishy, but he was hard to catch due to his range and speed. However, most of melee top champions, newer and newcomers to the lane nowadays, do have abilities that match his aa range and are stronger, and even have ghost, meaning that he is easier to catch than ever and he cant really use his ranged advantage.

    The other thing is that his base damage for the abilities totally sucks. , his lvl 1 q is 5 i think. the rest of the damage is from bonus damage, it should be the other way around, his base damage should be higher, but his bonus reduced, that way you can either have good damage in mini for building tankier for mega, or have insane damage in mini while being a glass cannon.

    As it is right now, you dont get too much damage if you go mix dmg and tank but you really dont get tankier either, and you really dont get insane amounts of damage in mini as glass cannon, just ok damage which wont do it for normal play.

    Thats it, mini doesnt have good damage and most champs are stronger than you, you cant really take advantage of the range nor speed anymore. It doesnt mean you cant have a good laning phase, but it is certainly easier to lose the lane than being equal, winning it is almost out of the question.

  14. It would be nice if Gnar just like, generated rage faster at all stages of the game. It really feels awful to lose a fight in lane because you're stuck at 99 rage for a solid second while your boomerang is cooling off, and it takes so long to come online during later fights when you can just pop at any moment. More rage please!

  15. The fix I would do is that "for the amount of enemies that are in an area, the stacks of rage increase", so if there's only one enemy the rage stacks normally, but if there's more than one stackes faster, giving him an extra possibility to engage in tf

  16. You could make it so he can store his rage for mega and give one of his mega abilities the effect to return him to small. So you can ensure you have big when needed and remove big when not needed

  17. Gbarcis one of my favourites, both in design and gameplay. Although sometimes lacking proper timing, I usually fit in tfs.

    I never really thought about a minignar ultimate. Instead of unavaivalability or instant transformation, it could be something in the middle:
    You instantly gain 25/50/75 rage.

  18. i’m a gnar main and have never found it annoying that his mini form is so weak, i really enjoy trying to bait people to all in me when i know i can transform soon.

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