Lore video covering the Satyr, how they came to be, their goals and culture.
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Music: www.audiomicro.com
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. – I am not the owner of any of the art shown in the videos. All artworks belong to their rightful owners. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at doronproductionfilms@hotmail.com
War of Satyrs led indirectly to Curse of Worgen's creation
dark elfs in the 40K
Satyr is the underrated race in Azeroth
more deep lore in 7 mins
If satyrs are demons then the paladin should be able to hurt them with holy light
A video on the Drogbar would be cool.
Use the subtitles. Thank me later
So basically the trolls are the origins of the Satyr
Are there any female Satyr ??
I go into youtube holes and just watch your content for hours… thanks for what you do and helping me kill some time while learning some things about one of my favey games.
Is Illidan a satyr???
could you do a vid on trogs? just a question.
Can you explain why xavious is one of the raid bosses in the new legion expansion if he was already defeated
Could you do the Sabberon or the drenor humanoid cats
The Broken Race, Maybe?
Dragonspawn Race?
The Ogre race?
How about the Naga?
I'd like to see the Arakkoa race
Kvaldir, specially after the cata quest update.
Make a tuskarr vid pls, this race needs a vid!
Hey Doron !
I have a question that you can put in your next Q&A :
Who is Zul ?
Is he Evil or not ?
What his goal and where is he now ?
Thanks alot for adding this !
Keep it up !
What about Hobgoblins? I know there is a tiny bit of lore on them and there is a surprisingly small amount of people who actually know of where they come from!
High there.@_@
Naga or badger people of northrend
Please cover all the dragonkins but dragons themselves (we all know their lore)
Is there any lore behind the Satyr in Northrend, specifically Crystalsong Forest?
You do great videos man, continue like that!
Any plans on lore theories for the supposed dark prophet expansion?
Can u do how to role play a hunter?
could you do Harpy next time?
Awesome video man! So, in your recent videos you said that it's possible that Gilneas may be reintroduced.. Do you think the Alliance is going to retake it or maybe even retake Stromgarde in a later expansion?
Nice video bro. Love your voice!
MAGNATAUR lore please !
nice one doron!now may i plz see the hunter rp video?
Another great Vid man, keep it up!