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Use Your Undercoins From Delves To Make Gold In The War Within! WoW TWW Goldmaking | Delves Goldfarm

In today’s video, I will explain how you can make some gold with your undercoins, which is a new currency that you can obtain from the delves, by simply buying the pet Sir Shady Mrrgglton Junior and selling it on the AH for a lot of gold!

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  1. So to add to your video, YES this takes a LONG ASS TIME to sell. but as a tip as we now have the ability to trade between realms with the warband bank. obtain the pets, find an EXTREMELY high pop realm with good prices on AH and sell pets there. Then once u have earned alot of gold, have a friend and trade him the gold so he can trade it back to you on your realm you want the gold on (you cannot mail between realms, but for some weird reason you can trade between realms)

  2. Pets. I'm going to agree about the dismal state pet selling under the current conditions is, but it wasn't always like that. Several years ago pet sales were a capital way to increase your wow gold. Once I came across the Undermine web site I quickly realized that the prices on my server were 30% higher than on A52. At that time pets were the only thing that was account wide and thus able to be transferred between servers. Being a collector I was interested in buying pets and it was easy to see that A52 offered the buyer a great advantage in growing ones collection. I created a character on A52 and went to the AH, pan handled 25 silver and started selling a lot of my hard to get duplicates. Overall I made in excess of 4.5 million gold and pets. Before the current warbank and unfortunately also at the down turn, I bought a pet that was rare-ish for 75k to sell on my server for a 20% markup just so I could shift gold across to my server (I had over 2m on A52 at the time and all the collectables were max'd out.) Unfortunately a couple years later that pet is still in my inventory! I bought a very expensive pet on the monthly Trading Post. I already owned the pet, the difference being you could not sell the Trading Post version but the one I owned could be. It was listing at 850k so it seemed like a no brainer, yet I still own both. It is disappointing of course, but its like the Big Iron Fishing Pole – the first item I really farmed and started my trading on the AH. Meh – things change. While the Big Iron will never come back, perhaps pets will. Just not holding my breath though.

  3. That is so strange-I make most of my gold from pets. And toys. And transmogs. To be fair-I have been busy playing and haven't even tried to sell pets, etc. for some time. Anyone want to trade a Hatefire the Tiny for an Amethyst Bauble Worm? heh

  4. I still have super rare pets from legion… after 10 years of posting them on AH I sold maybe 5% of my storage. Pets & transmog is extremely bad market because nobody buys it, prices are high and it only a content for "gold making" yt channels that farm useless transmog and lootaprise addon tells them they farmed 5 milion gold worth of transmog that they will never sell XD

  5. This is not a worthwhile thing. More the. Likely blizz will make this uncageable. And then like you even stated most people don’t have 10k undercoins. And the. Like you said. Why would I want to use my 10k on a stupid pet that might not sell. If there are 16 of them in the ah already? His guide is useless.

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