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Bro idk why but everytime I play ashe she just runs into enemys even tho she has a big range. I think it has to do with the settings. What are the perfect settings for ashe or in general LOL
This isnt realy a guide, more of a champ splotlight
I max Q, because that's where the damage is
Copied from drow ranger srsly what a bad rip off
Some commas and full stops will help.
Since ravenous hunter was removed, what should I switch it for now?
Her e doesn't give asissts anymore
If only the hawk do something other than just scout, I mean I know older champ is just having bad singular kit, I bet if Ashe is released 2022 then her skill will connect each other brokenly like other new champ
2:28 hmm no, that's wrong. As seen in the clips killing a target lets the arrow travel further. If you don't it doesnt.
3:00 but ashe W flash is weird: redirecting it to the flashing direction.
4:30 to add: it neither reveals camouflage targets (rengar was listed as an example but listed under "stealth" units which he isnt)
6:30 I do it more like the other way around. If you get pushed there is no gank coming or just one defensive ward will save ur ass. But if pushing you can angle your E so it hits all the enemy jgl, giving HUGE value for all of your lanes and jgl
I watched this vid just to see how you structured your tune page!
Unfortunately I couldn’t screen shot it because you read it out..?
Kadeem would LOVE this
How cute, the video calls Ashe a Lane bully and instead of reflecting that on the gameplay it's the other way around, it's like somebody made content under pressure without thinking it could be hard to find an actual way to explain the whole issue with being Ashe on the current meta, well nice try, keep trying
My understanding is that you NEVER build guinsoo on Ashe. Her passive scales her slow off crit, thus building guinsoo and removing your crit is an error. Maybe I'm mistaken if so please let me know, but as I said everything I understand say NO Guinsoo.
"auto attack before or after your W" holy shit that's what I've been missing I didn't know that auto attacking could increase my damage thank you so much
Lol I was looking up a ash guide for apex legends. I was very co fused a second there
I main Ashe and I don’t agree with these runes and some of the items/ order 70% + wr around 100 games adc and 80ish as support lethal tempo is better if you want to poke with Ashe use her w tempo is better for what Ashe is good at kiting and running down enemies and is better in longer fights Also botrk is a MUST especially if they have tanks or gap closers. Also press the attack is great on Ashe support if your adc doesent take it. Because of the extra dmg and run down potential
still dont understand why people are swapping to HOB all of a sudden. Did a korean grab it one time in a challenger game so everyone puppeted that?
For the hunter runes wouldnt ravenous hunter be ineffective on ashe since it only works with her W? I think i prefer ultimate hunter to provide as much CC i can throughout the match
I take flash and ghost 🤭
A very complete basic guide
It would be interesting some guide on how to behave against best X worst matchups
also, some OTP tricks that you naturally learn after hundreds of games would be a plus
If Ashe had any other passive she would have been considered one of the best supports. AoE slow and poke with W, best vision champion in the game with E and global aoe stun.
From a Master Ashe OTP, rageblade is good just when you are already hard winning the game, and in this case probably any item would work. but when you are not hard winning the extra slow you get when you crit is so more reliable to keep you alive and do more damage. The same can be said about shieldbow, the best item to start when you are hard winning the lane, but if you are in a hard spot and need to stay alive to just use your utility for the longest time possible, in this case galeforce is so much more reliable. Winning when you are 6/0 is easy, but knowing how to win when you are 0/6 is what will make you really climb.
Itd nice. Love The Jizzzzz but u forget aboit The matchups???
Do Fiora pls
From an ashe main may i add some things .
1st : her second part of her passive is that ashe cannot crit , but her crit chance is converted into incresed dmg to all of ur abilities and aa after the first (aa or ability) landed on a target . And crit chance also increases ur slow .
2nd :in the early game or when ur chasing try always to " aa + q " not the opposite cuz it's the most dmg and slow output u can have bcz when u aa first u start ur passive and the second hit will be stronger wich is ur w , and bcz ur w always crits it guarantees more slow . So aa + w = more slow and more dmg .
3rd : plz don't build rage blade . It makes ur passive useless . I do build it sometimes but when i try to troll and test my limits with her but its not good . Feel free to experiment with it as u see fit .
4th : thanks for reading ^^
One of Azir please ❤
6:21 my anxiety increased for 30%
I would love a video where all of my 4 teammates are 10+ deaths at 20 mins and how to carry a game like that. Been there 5 times in 2 days. Dropped 2 divs bc of inters and trollers. This video will never help me how to climb or something as well as a "challenger carry". Thank you very much I hope you will consider making a video like that
I like how Ashe vids started coming up on my feed ever since her pick rate went from 5% to 20% in one patch.
7:53 kindred inting lol great guide