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This makes Blizzard look stupid

Asmongold Reacts to: Blizzard letting their top guild *cheat* and get away with it in Race to World First.
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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  1. most of you most likely still stand in nono-floor at raids and mythics…. it's disappointing maybe… does it really affect us? not really you can just not do it ahhaha and try to earn the encounter legitimately but people will always btc about anything.

  2. Unless it's outside software giving him that benefit, it's not cheating. It's playing the game exactly as the game is designed. Taking advantage of a flaw in the rules/design is just smart.

  3. People should care about it. TRTWF Literally generates Millions in revenue for Blizzard/Microsoft. It wouldn't surprise me if someone from blizzard actively invests/sponsors specific teams in TRTWF. And this is why people should care, but it's monopoly in their favourite game.

  4. Also L take reversing the problem/question doesn't solve nor change anything "why are they cheating if it matter so much to them or if their life depend on it etc …" Like seriously dont you see big rift in your "argument" and view ? Also we are talking about the top of top of players, the pros who are paid by definitions sothis context change alot of the story same with paid tournaments ofc etc … .

  5. Asmong turned into cry baby who feeds on negativity today.. first of all. This xpac might be one of the best simply because story, questing, content, no bullshiet systems and combat is very very good. World feels a live. Lot of players everywhere doing events. Also the game isnt hard if you just play for fun. Literally just play the fucking game. And I am just lost for words when people see this video and says. I dont understand what is happening, booo what is this complex ui booo so many animations. Bruh you are watching hardest content available for the very best players. It is supposed to be complex and hard. It is not manditory for you to play it. And even after saying this.. they are killing boss trying to dodge and solve its mechanics. Even my coworker understood it after I explained to him few basics and he never played it.

  6. Have anybody got banned for no reason I have been playing casually and been farming the legion class mount I Seend ticket and a bot answer me don't know what to do can someone help me

  7. Blizzard was made FULLY AWARE of this bug in the BETA and they didn't fix it. Thats why it's imo not worth banning for. Blizzard was lazy and didn't fix it and now they look stupid for it.

  8. It still amazes me how many bugs slip by compared to other games. It never feels like a clean finished product. I truly dont care about the exploits, they didnt get the kill because of it. If the game allows it, it shouldn't be bannable imo. They can put more time into testing things instead of overdeveloping some aspects of the game for some of the top sweaters. Just fix the problem and move on

  9. Asmon says "Let them cheat, its just a game" but doesn't RWF involve a cash price to the team that wins. If the cheat doesn't effect anything, who cares, but when real world money is involved and others are effected by that outcome for their income chances then it is wrong. That's my take.

  10. Another game recently had this issue during a competitive game mode(Oldschool Runescape's Deadman Mode). Jagex Devs banned anyone that was invloved with the entire clan(guild), no questions asked. 100+ top players and 200+ accounts. Cheating in a competition is significantly worse than cheating for fun or curiosity. There is a scale, but nobody likes to use it.

  11. One of the things that's wildly different between WoW and OSRS is the developers willingness to embrace the bugs and exploits. Obviously certain things have to be fixed, but generally speaking, exploits kn OSRS just become supported features.

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