With the new Mists of Pandaria even there is so much talk of the prestige of mounts, with old mounts getting new methods to be obtained, but im here to let you know, THEY’RE ALL WORTHLESS!!!!
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Mounts In World of Warcraft Are WORTHLESS!
People are just mad that Blizzard made them waste X amount of thier life farming weeklys and then someone like me with less than 50 hours in the game now has the same mount for 2 hours work on Remix. Weekly mount farming is the problem from my ignorant opinion. I don't want to farm something every week for the next 10 years, and now you know you might even get it faster waiting for the remix event.
The world system social and especially economic system is knowingly been created with goal of maintain inequality. Yes money is a mind weapon and a scam. We have been so brainwashed with competition inequality and lovelessness that even in video games (that are knowingly brainwash tools) we can not understand the value of love and sharing.
Coming from someone who likes to collect mounts (and all forms of collectibles in the game including mog): I don't care if Blizzard makes it easier to get mounts that are random chance drops from things. Because like has been said, there's no skill or achievement involved in getting them, just luck alone. Sure, the low chance keeps people playing since they need to run a hundred different dungeons, but at this point there are so many rare drop mounts that it's not like making a few easier really frees up players time so much that they don't feel the need to play WoW; they'd just move onto the next grind.
I did, however, have an issue when Blizzard practically gave away the Dark War Talbuk during Warlords of Dreanor by giving large amounts of the specific currency used to obtain it from mission tables. What was once a sign that a person had put actual work into both pvp and faction grinding became another no skill drop and took that sense of achievement away from players who had put in the work. That's just not cool, especially when people can still get that mount the original way too. There was no rhyme or reason for Blizzard making that decision and all it did was shit on older players who did the work.
Personally I'd be a fan of them bringing back certain mounts that were based on luck (or ninja looting) alone onto the Black Market or elsewhere, but I also think the Black Market needs an overhaul in that it doesn't give enough options for how massive its loot table is now, and that gold buyers will always win out over regular players in bidding wars – not that Blizzard will ever do anything about them, since they are directly feeding into their wallet.
Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if in 3 years time or so Blizzard starts making rare drop mounts, and even achievement/rep grind mounts, buyable in their cash shop.
Magic Cock mount ftw!! ZUG ZUG!
I ran old dungeons and raids for months to get some of my mounts because they looked awesome and I wanted them. Each time I got one was like winning the lottery and i still ride them all in my fav mounts. You used to be diffrent in the game. Gave everyone somthing to aspire for. Now everyone can have everything, making nothing unique. Just buy boosts just buy mounts just get your paticipation medals and buy the mounts that everyone else worked for and see everyone beside you on the same mount🤣 My mate got heavnely onyx first time where as I had 3 alts there for what felt like months farming that (Still never got it) I ran for Anzu the raven lord for what felt like years on multiple chars because I wanted the cool bird mount. I got invincible on less than 10 tries, lucky me! I've camped timelost for so long i've lost count. (Still don't have it T.T) These are a fraction of my mount stories each one individual to each player and thats amazing. These remix mounts? Oh they played the remix and bought them with their participation medals same as everyone else. Goes from people going out of their way to get somthing they like to just another vendor mount. Further killing the game I loved T.T
969 mounts here and I agree completely with this. It’s been 10 years let the filthy casuals have them now.
Yeah its true – since the wow token was added nothing has any value. There may have been carrys back in vanilla-wrath, but I played trough all of them an never saw a single post about it. On my sever at least carries weren't a thing. So yeah – only things that you got back then and have been removed have any value left…
I have the Swift Spectral Tiger mount. I bought BC Collectors Edition. And had to order it from Amazon US as it wasn't on sale in the UK at the time. When I opened the box and browsed through the cards I had this "scratch" card that I redeemed at Booty Bay. And it wasn't a named mount on the card. Just a code and instructions and a picture of the goblin to talk to. When I got the package and opened it it was the Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger. I was a bit of a noob then and had only been playing WoW for about 6 months so I had no idea what this was so I Learned it. One of my friends told me it was worth about £15000 on ebay. I checked and yea it was going for between £12000 and £15000.
I hope they don't give it away as I don't pay own any stuff apart from the 6 month or annual mounts for subscription.
Although I do now own all boxed Collectors Editions (and TWW is on order) as well as 1st and 2nd editions of the WoW Diary kickstarter/backer editions. And some figurines like Frostmourne. So I hope they don't punish players like myself who purchased the mounts and boxed copies in the spirit I believe they should be acquired!
My WoW collection is listed in my Last Will. Even my Audi Quattro isn't in there lol
I really suck at both pvp and raiding. The closest things I have to anything most people would consider "prestigious" would be things like Polly Roger, a few achievement mounts like the Rusted and Iron Protodrakes… maybe some of the paragon mounts I have. The point being, I'm actually kind of glad that a lot of these mounts will be made available as long as you put the time in. I actually have a good number of the Pandaren rare drop mounts, including the three primordial dire horns, all of the world boss mounts except for the one that comes off of Oondasta, clutch of Ji-Kun, the Astral Cloud Serpent…(Pandaria has been inordinately kind to me) One of the old mounts I'm going to try to go after during this event is the Kor'kron Juggernaut, because the raid you need to go through to get it is a royal pain in the ass. I also really want that new phoenix mount since I missed out on the old ones. (I only started playing during the Dragonflight expansion) Do you think they'll do this for other old expansions in the future?
You said it best! army of alts killing a mob every15 min isn't skill! it's dumb luck! always was! Oh ya got the mount in mist lucky you i guess?! people just making up controversy out of nothing! People that actually play wow right now are excited to get the mounts they still don't have after 10 years! Meanwhile I have all the mounts and I'm supper happy I already have them so I can just skip farming for them in the MoP event and focus on all the new shit! Only controversy I see are haters hating saying "Wow is dead" ya been hearing that for 20 years now bud! get a life!
Cry baby cry 😂
I have the Zhevra mount from way back when. I dont care that Blizz made it less rare. I saw that mount as someone that you could pinpoint as being a long time wow player. Now, you cant just assume that.
Blizzard has gotten to the point where everyone deserves everything and I think thats a travesty.
Its all just Pixels that cease to exist when the power goes out ….
I don’t think rare drops are a problem. You can accumulate a lot of money either through skillful grinding or by playing the lottery; both methods are acceptable. Let those who enjoy grinding continue to do so, and those who prefer trying their luck with the lottery keep at it. The game's rules shouldn't be altered just because one group is more vocal.
I really want the invincible reins mount but u didn't play in WoTLK when the drop rate was feasible. If they had some event in which you could buy it like how this remix mop thing is you bet in a heartbeat I'd be there
I think the only worthless mounts are Ground Mounts.
Good video and a very reasonable outlook you have. I agree, I personally understand what people mean by feeling like their hard work is downplayed, but tbh…. People still have the bragging rights if they earned it the way they originally did, and no one can take that away from them. But honestly, this is one of the issues with the fact WoW has introduced so much stuff over the years that were just unreasonably hard to obtain or they ripped it out of the game making old cool stuff unavailable. I think this is a cool and good thing WoW is doing to bring back and make things more accessible. Keeo up the good content homie. 🙏🔥
Is there a zuggypoo discord group anywhere? 👀
My only hope is that they never give people my EXTREMELY rare brewfest ram.
No seriously.
I have the blue quality brewfest ram because my hunter hit 40 right as it was made available for the first and last time in brewfest.
I have never seen anyone else with it and have won mount comps because if it.
Did I earn it? yes technically, but no not really. But I still hold it over peoples heads.
Also I never got my code for the big blizzard bear from buying the blizzcon pay per view and I'm still salty about that because my friend did…
It pretty amusing how things are doin in retail Azeroth, i'm entertained 😂
I got mine back in MOP I'm happy other ppl can get it easy
put the tusks in aswell and we re good
I farmed Invincible and Alar for years before earning them. I could not care less if other people earn them the "easy" way. I'd be happy to see other people with the same mounts as me, if I want to brag I can link achievements
"50k bronze is a lot"
Well so far from the PRT it seems like it will take you about 15-20h (I would argue it will take under 10h). I would like it take longer…
-I know you can buy most of then from AH, but lets be real, MOST of mount collectors do NOT do that – they just farm it them self and if I can get raid drop/w-boss mount within 15h of mindless grind, then its way to EZ tbh
who cares about mounts lmao transmog and toys are the real chad deal, mounts are the casual loser's inbred version of collecting
according to my addon only 0.03% of all accounts have the mount BQ Battle Tank and only 0.03% have the BQ War Tanl
gladiator carry where so much common in the old days
it was way more simple to do win trading too and the field was way way more easier
People need to understand that there is zero prestige in anything WoW-related. You can't flex your gladiator title in a job interview. It's fake, it's not real and you really shouldn't get angry about any of it. It's fine to care about a game, but if the thing you care about directly contradicts with other people's fun, then, I'm sorry, but you are being a huge loser and need to touch grass. I feel prestige related to my "the Blazing"-title, but that's free for anyone to go and get in an expansion's time.
talking about random luck drops….i got the trading card version of swift spectral tiger….but now it wont fly
They didnt give out any mounts that have any prestiege attached to them… Just stupid luck. I've been farming the sha mount on 8 characters for 12 years… Not prestige, just RNG. Prestige would be giving people the AOTC mounts or the challenge mode mounts… Thats not what Blizz is doing. People just want something to cry about because they have nothing better to do. Zulian tiget dropped for me the last day you could run that raid and it was the first time I ever took someone with me… of course it got ninjad and the dude, who was a core raid member, quit the guild and moved servers.
"Fully unobtainable"?? "1 in 2,000 percent"???????????????????????? LMAO
Invincible now drops from the timewalking raid chest during timewalking wrath, as well as mimrons head.
I automatically think less of anyone who I think are just trying to show off. If your primary motivation for using a mount or farming it is for attention, I think that's pitiful and sad.
defending low drop rates as a form of prestige is like saying people who win the lottery are just more prestigious than people who work every day. One is luck, the other is a slow progress towards a clear goal. Need 30k coins for a mount? great you can plan that out, farm 5k a day and youll get it… thats better than just "have 50 characters do the same thing once a week and hope for the best"
My prestigious mounts are my glad mounts :p and I guess plagued proto is still kinda cool even tho it’s just a gold mount. My urzul is special because I got first drop 😂
and i had tavians mount 7 days after it dropped. lol cause they added a new achievement you had to get
and fyi i been farming mounts since you first could. just because i didnt have the RNG as they did. i probably farmed more than some people. so…. why should i not get them?
i wasnt allowed to get the black scarab because i was dwarf, and humans get more rep. so i had to help him farm it. by the time i got the item it wasnt allowed. also disagree with xayru, and meh i feel i should be allowed to get it other ways, i dont want to sit there to farm. waiting to even try and spawn it. and fight for a spawn. alfksgkljashbglkajshg;askgb;asljkgbaslgfb
Personally when it comes to mounts i don’t care if they become easier to get later on, i just like collecting them as a hobby; and for mounts i put a lot of personal effort into, like my shadowflame proto-dragon skin i feel proud of it. Other mounts i have took way less effort but i still feel pride in how i got them.
And thats all that really matters to me, how i feel about them not how others feel about them.
Its a limited time event
The fact is Blizzard encouraged this culture of mounts. People get sucked on to mount farms, and that 1% drop keeps them subscribed.
There hasn't been any prestige in having a mount, much less anything, unless it was ACTUALLY FOMO gated, for OVER A FUCKING DECADE NOW – because Blizzard can't be bothered to implement mythic challenge raids or what have you on max level, like FF14 does.
So stop whining. Those mounts are irrelevant at this point.
Once you main Druid you never waste time on mounts
i lost all intrest in wow when they added the zebra to the trading post. (14:00) it was the rarest mount i had and they just gave it away.