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Outlaw Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Assassination Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Subtlety Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Reading the comments, you see that the wow community is still as toxic as ever 😅
Marksmanship Hunter
sorry but no, you jumped the ball with enhancement there. Not saying that they're particularly bad, if anything they haven't been this strong since shadowlands s1, but while you're praising them the few veteran enhancement left I know keep complaining that no one wants to invite them to anything higher than +4 over any dk, rogue or even pally regardless of io. In fact, my old m raiding guild is even forcing them to push keys as healers.
which nameplate addon do you use?
so glad you slowed down on saying your intro
mythic plus wise sub rogue definetly needs help specially since assa is pretty strong and outlaw is ok i got to 2k only using my key cant count how many times i got declined even for 2's keys )
dislike. misleading title. all about end content and by your accounts only 3 classes are good. wtf is with this video .? pointless
Warrior tanks are great for survival lots of defenses and mitigation.
Shaman healer is by far the best from a tanks point of view.
7:31 DPS talk starts
off tank doing the most dmg😂 yea time for throne and liberty
The fifth highest M+ runner on Raider IO is a dev evoker. So I think Aug is being placed a little too highly on this list.
crying in feral
Rio is toxic.
Play what makes you Happy.
This is a game.
All these videos say the same shit, come up with something original.
How many of these videos will be put out saying the same exact thing every time
I'm enjoying M+, but I wish as an Enh Shaman, I get more invites. Even with over 1,7 k rating, I rarely get invites
I'm glad delves are a good source of gear but making them such an easy source has led to a crazy ilevel floor for m+, making m+ a harder to pug source of more difficult content for worse gear
I'm having a pretty good time as a Mistweaver monk, though I'm only 596 ilvl and doing 5s. Damage is NUTTY sometimes, but I think a lot of it is just making sure the dps are avoiding damage and interrupting.
FIrst hehe