Join us as we chat about the next Dragonflight content update, Guardians of the Dream.
Join Assistant Lead Encounter Designer Taylor Sanders, Senior Narrative Designer Anne Stickney, and Community Manager Bethany Stout as they discuss the next Dragonflight content update, Guardians of the Dream. Learn about the new zone—The Emerald Dream, the next Raid—Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope, new Public Events, Dragonriding updates, and more.
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we did this event with the same seed, there were so many players xD there were bugs XD
great presentation
How many months gridding need to get the Legendary axe?
Get rid of these furries and rainbow, bring back the war. Stop ruining it
So many paid comments lol
nobody cares give us classic+ (but not made by obese furries)
that sofa mustve been epic quality to resist such weight
Where are the Troll beards?
Too bad pvp is ruined 🙁
Man, wow has become so santabarbaraesque. Farykk who? How come people are still interested in this mess?
Just wanted you to know 500000BC was the time this was transpiaring and you are… . .. wrong
Guess they didn't learn from oculus about mounting and dragonriding in raids.
My night elf druid's body is ready.
The updates only last for one days play. How is that an update?
This looks amazing!! I'm just getting back into things for WoW! Thanks for this
blah blah blah come back we need your 15 bucks for all the people that went on break
Miss legion
No substance.
When will come out this patch 10.2?
CONNECT. MORE. REALMS. Doomhammer is basically unplayable.
Sounds awful
hurts so much seeing women still work for them.. who knows what inhuman treatment they have to tolerate 😢
Please help contact the designers of World of Warcraft. Thank you all.
Can you replace the night elf male's neck? Night elf males used to have necks. But now it is basically invisible. And it's not straight anymore. Can it be restored to its original state?
Guardians of the zzzzzz
New updates promise to be very good)
When gnome druids?
GJ Blinvestors it goes DOWN
So happy to see Anne. Miss her on Lore and Blizzardwatch but glad to see her getting so involved in the process!
Loving all the fake smiles and badly acted enthusiasm. It just screams out of touch corporate marketing.