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World of Warcraft PvP Is About To Change Forever In The War Within

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  1. 1:49 it gets abused
    you have healers that dont heal or people that play extra stupid just to lose you the game.

    Its only good on paper in a world were there are not rampend multiboxer botters and rigged premades that have bots on your team

  2. So, previously, my wife and I had to abandon do regular BGSs. Seemed like all we ever played against were these professional players teamed up with every possible ADDON bristling like a battleship. They became a tremendous turnoff as no one enjoys literally getting farmed like domestic catfish. We found some fun and successes doing the blitz's as a team providing one of us played a healer. All sound familiar? My question now is does this change take away that last bastion of fun for us? Sounds like the new blitz will force everyone to Q solo. BTW, if Blizzard ever came out with a game modality called WOW- Noaddon we'd be all over that.

  3. Have you ever thought about doing a series on how to win BG Blitz maps? Even just a basic guide to the objectives, I think would be a great benefit to the PvP community.

  4. I'm on the fence. I enjoy a full RBG team but it's so hard to put together a consistent team of players. The best part (to me) about RBG's is the communication & strategy. I met some awesome people who've become long time friends thanks to RBG's. Now, it'll just be 8 random people I'll probably never see again. They're making WoW, a social game….less social. At the same time, I'm happy that there is an option to solo Q because as someone who hasn't played much organized PVP since BFA, it'll be nice to jump into games when I want.

  5. if the que time is not an hour i might try the expec tbh. The thing that killed my df experience was not being able to play the damn game, i do not want to waste time running in circles!

  6. I don't understand why they keep taking ways for me to play the game with my friends away. It's so annoying. I literally can't do pvp effectively with friends anymore. Also there no chance this doesn't fuck solo shuffle queues. Why would a healer queue for that nightmare when they can just queue bgs solo now. I swear I fucking hate how stupid blizzard devs are. Let's get that solo queue mythic + queue using the dungeon rating system going. And work on the raid queue too. We don't need to play an mmo with our friends. Fucking dumb… 100% fucking dumb.

  7. There two kinds of ppl in wow, those that like to pvp and those thatll do whatever to grind out its rewards quicklike. The latter destroys bg's/arena's/soloq with afking/botting/boosting and smurfing.

  8. Except they already lie when they say its solo q u can duo q with a healer and i see healers pocket heal only 1 person the whole game even if it makes them lose so i dont get the point ๐Ÿ˜‚ blitz also feels fried sometimes when no one dies over 1 node for half the game because theres no dampening

  9. This is dog shit, this is just blizzard being lazy, you had forever to get rid of boosters in rated bg. Now we get another solo system. Pvp is getting solo content. Why do we Even have guilds. This is so bad. And just lazy. Boosters ruined rated bg

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