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I’ve been playing league for about 2 months now 90% of the time playing adc, and I gotta say that iron supports and junglers have gotta be the most toxic gamers of all time, like yes Lee sin IM garbage for dying trying to peel for you after you chased their jg all the way to their base and it’s MY fault we don’t have a single objective
Maybe the Gold Jinx is saving for Kraken Slayer, that why.
What bad ADC's must learn:
The fact u couldnt play sports well, probably means ull still fail in this sport, bc both require being smart. This channel is designed to take advantage of that fact
what to do when u have 4 teletubies in team A) throw the computer from the window B) start yelling and be rude C)leave the game, uninstal it and live long peaceful life :DD
4 Minuten Werbung, die man nicht skippen kann!
I chose the worst answer every single time lol. Glad I'm not playing LoL anymore.
I have a question… i have been having trouble with my supp's dying 4 times pre 1st item and there is nothing i can do… Is there a way to stop enemy adc getting fed and u getting flamed for it or do u just play mid untill u get into bearable elo (was silver, now placed b4 cuz of 5 rounds of mid/supp inting during placements)
I'm sorry but the first part of the video is so wrong. Firstly, there's not only option A, B or C. There's way more other options than that. Secondly, letting your "fed" adc face jungle+top at 17 min to defend an herald = big shutdown for ennemy jungle or top. That's so dumb…
theres definitely holes in this video……the first example question. Correct answer is actually A. Why? If you took the gromp and the blue….you could throw the entire game bc your jg will rage out. You should push your team to get drag while you split push bot.
@jack mills
I know i am probably not too good player but dont agree on 1000% with the draven part. Because of corse throwing is one think pushing agressive is one think and to win the game as fast as possible is different. Clearly the mid fights you showed for me was just throwing not trying to win as soon as possible. Some comps where you really want to win as fast as possible dose not mean on lvl 9 to end the game 2vs3 on mid at least what i think 😀 and commit to stay mid 24/7 bad decision. But i still would choose A to win as fast as possible.
I play 2 or 3 games, I hover between bronze and iron(I know it's low 😅) but one thing I realized if you are add in low ELO your supp plays a important role. If you good ADC if your supp is feeding opponent doesn't matter😂😂
i guessed them all wrong <3
many thanks for the video! just wondering if you guys have a
what to do when behind or loose lane as adcwith examples? 🙂This thing doesn't work for low elo, everytime team miss drag or rift once they start tilting or trolling
Saving this for when i get autofilled, who queues for this role in 2023??
noob question is ezreal a late game scaling champ for part 3?
Hahaha u wtf is this quide. Did u ever play low elo when ur support steal ur cs and top is 0/10 in 14min
In the case of draven, is it not better to end fast ans dont verse late game kayle viego and veigar ?
2:30 From the perspective of a bronze support, she'll likely do:
D: She got her god complex, goes mid behind Irelia to 1v1 her, do 0 damage to her and try to escape towards our Jungler who's out of smite and hp, give double kill and drake to Irelia, have the Jungler go afk and while Graves is at the inhib tower, she uses the speedbuff from respawn to take blue, just to get killed by Irelia again.
I could understand that Draven was playing okay and dealing huge damage to compensate for the over-aggression, but overstaying a fight with a nautilus was just asking to get marked by a click-on and caged by a veigar, and jesus, that whole team was basically lockdown central and kayle as reassurance xD
the problem i hav with teh cait exaple is that if irelia or graves is strong/fed u just get dived caus ur adc
My support LITERALLY went into a 1v2 when I was a mile away, and then got angry I didn't go fight them when he died.
5:31 A is not a good choice too. Why would Jinx need to farm allied camps when she already has a massive amount of unspent golds? Besides, it’s usually better to put pressure in a lane in order to “punish” the enemy team for taking an objective. So i would push mid (and maybe take the tower) and then recall.
Tell it to adc not warding drake or killling minions when i gank them orbping for help before enemy mid jg bot and supp destroy me. Do not ever trust adcs
Always take reksai jg camp haha
I don't think this applies on low elo at all, if anything the opposite is true, map awereness is so low that you can push hard and get 2 towers down before the enemy team notices the adc on botlane doing it
2:26 You actually want to spend the rest of your mana quick as possible, then go back to base with about 1700~1800 gold, swap trinkets then head mid because that will crash first.
Woohoo I was wrong but right!
Spend the mana somehow, someway. Drop traps, cast Q on melee. Eliminate the next tank minion. Then bounce back to base.
Keep moving.
5:31 Easily recall. Your smite is down. Don't fight. It's not a productive risk. Even should you get any kill bounty, you have given your position away. May take you another 15 to 20 seconds to get away (missing another wave of exp which is more important than gold mid-game)
7:27 no-brainer! It's draven. He's built to put on a show. Build up League of Draven stacks and cash in big later. Let's admire Him for a bit!
*Edit* omg