Fix Double/Multiple Controller Controller Issue In EA Sports FC 25 on PC
Step 1) Add EA Desktop App to Steam and then launch EA app from Steam and then launch FC 25
Step 2) Non-Steam Users: Add FC 25 to Steam ( (Make sure FC 25 & EA App is closed before you launch the game)
Step 3) Steam Users: Disable or enable Steam Input
Step 4) Disable Steam input and use USB cable to connect your controller
Step 5) Go to Steam Settings/Controller/disable/Enable/ steam input for Xbox/PS5 Controller
Step 6) Launch Steam in big picture mode and then launch the game
Step 7) Make sure to disconnect other peripherals such as mouse/keyboard, additional joystick, controllers. Unplug hotas, wheel, pedals, mouse, Razer Tartarus, disconnect all the additional USB adapter connected to PC, if you have any virtual controller (Vjoy etc.), disable/uninstall them.
Step 8) PlayStation Controller users: Install reWASD /DS4 Windows
Step 9) Use wired connection controller

7 9 1 minute read
none of them worked for my dualshock4 unfortunately
1:44 I didn’t found eafc25 logo
You have to disable steam input, then start the game with the ea app and then you wait till you are on the starting screen (the one where you have to press any button to start) and only then you connect your controller with a WIRE (important). Worked for me, featured by @mundlosermandarine4982
tengo alguno botones invertidos y si selecciono no usar steam input no me reconoce el joystick el juego
I cant click play from ea app, do i need to buy it on the ea app?
u helped me wallah thank u man
i love you man