Welcome to the Camille Champion Spotlight.
Cut your computer in half with a single well-placed kick, then buy a new one and use it to find more Camille news here:
Champion Reveal: Camille, the Steel Shadow http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/champion-reveal-camille-steel-shadow
Champion Insights: Camille http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/champions-skins/champion-preview/champ-insights-camille-steel-shadow
Camille Comic http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/camille-comic
Foreshadowing calling it now
Great video!
I feel like by now im one of the few otps left..she’s like in the top 15 least played champs atm
no way its been 6 years
Camille reminds me of Gazelle from Kingsman.
200 years of game designing: Put cho gaths ult into Q with 6 seconds CD
Jhin killer
0:29 Geez… What is THAT!
Coolest champ i ain’t gon lie💯🥶
Something about this character reminds me of song called “Pluto” by Björk.
Don't tell me yordle kebab is cannon!?
Bro Can I know how to get the Zoom Video like Early Video in Battle field?
Wow its a long time
CAMILLE VS RENATA IN LORE… I ce back after watching Renata's trailer…
If Chun-Li made a League character.
Thumbnail making her look like she packin a third blade
Featuring: Camille just straight up bullying Viktor for the entire first half of the video.
RIP Vik u got the worst luck. that being said i abselutely love her design & interactions, 10 outta 10
Ooooh Camille vs Viktor in Arcane S2???
Do y’all agree that Camille is the coolest female champ?
Is she gonna be in season two of arcane. Considering the fact is facing both victor and jinx?
lady Legasus
Death to Zaunite SCUM
Day of the Hammer soon
Her face on design is just no
Poor viktor
I'll be waiting for auntie Camille in Season 2 of Arcane 👀
I can’t wait to see her thighs in Arcane Season 2.
I think she is in the arcane series as well, she might be the enforcer lady since in the series it was demonstrated that she was torn apart although her hair style resembles to camille's.
silvanna's ult and fanny's 2nd skill
Wow I am so old I remember playing Camille when she was just released and she was like so OP
Why her hook deals zero damage to enemy 🤣😂