We have a lot of WoW news to go over this week, including some large class changes for the 11.0.5 ptr, crafting orders have been made easier and cheaper, the new event raid has started testing and it may be a future source of very easy gear, and there are so many nerfs for various types of end game content.
11.0.5 PTR notes – https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/20th-anniversary-update-ptr-development-notes/1945843
Wowhead post previewing the trading post items: https://www.wowhead.com/news/october-2024-trading-post-items-plus-class-sets-returning-without-restrictions-346911
Become a YouTube member here – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsxidPdmPXDlsS3rn7arJsA/join
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Timestamps –
0:00 – Huge Class Buffs & Nerfs, So Much WoW News!
0:48 – Class Changes
1:13 – Hunter
3:06 – Mage
4:08 – Paladin
4:40 – Rogue
5:04 – Shaman
6:11 – Warrior
6:34 – Dark Iron Dwarf mole machine update
7:16 – Special Event Raid Drops BIG Loot
9:37 – Crafting Orders Cheaper & Easier
11:33 – October Trading Post Preview
13:12 – Mythic+ Nerfs
14:04 – Raid Nerfs
14:45 – Last wing of LFR now available
Become a YouTube member here – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsxidPdmPXDlsS3rn7arJsA/join
Clear Tier 8 Delves Easier – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KadKcsgj2rU
How to get 90 Profession Knowledge quickly – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUJZ5FqLbBA
ULTIMATE Gearing Guide for Season 1 –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NHMOiHOt_E
How to quickly farm reputation & renown – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1UXZijMF00
Demo Lock Buff?
lol @ the constant changes
I think these nerves come in so late is a little bit of a spit in the face of the players. I think they have a lot more things to do and they’re just not the way yet then they’re just making something really difficult because maybe someone in management think that they should make it difficult for one or two weeks and make it easy. I don’t think that’s OKand I think they have a lot of things to improve in terms of war bands, and terms of making the player experience a lot better
Sorry but if you have to increase a skill by 300% then you've failed as a dev.
I was so pumped to gear my Shaman to play enhance for real (its my alt for now just doing normal raid and M0) . now.. well I guess Ill just stuck with my Fury warrior and no more.
•Boomys need survivability buffs…
•Who tf asked for mm and bm hunter buffs??????
•Feint getting off the gcd is great move.
•Ele sham is already strong.
•Enh sham needs survivability not dam.
•Fury nerfs are meh..
Sounds like a round of stupid changes that nobody but a slim few wanted.
I have swap from elem to enh and more patch i see and the more elem is getting up, i feel like betrayed
when will 11.0.5 come
How or were do you get this information from ? to tell us nerfs and buffs ahead of time
I would be totally cool with pugging Blackrock Depths even if the same difficulty as current Normal and Heroic Nerubar Palace. Would make it a lot of fun and makes getting that gear feel even better.
New shaman forms are great but now they need to make the talent worth taking.
some of my blacksmith work orders want me to spend 40-60k gold worth of mats for 1 fuggin knowledge point. get real. I'd do it for 10, but not a measly 1 or 2.
The world is too big. It's time for something new. Take what they have learned in 20 years and make something new
quite convinced Blizzard doesn't understand what broken means. Fury is literally in the shitter now after the 15% 10% and 3% nerfs to their main abilities, let's reduce their target cap to 5. Meanwhile Demon hunter does near 10m aoe dps, frost dk does 7m, but we have an issue when a warrior does 3
Still no "we reduced the insane amount of threat generated by Enhancement's Tempest so they can use is without riping aggro and dying".
multishot hits for 4,000 right now lol. And it costs 50 energy. Just removed multishot. Even 300% increase still makes it garbage.
Kind of off-topic, but what are the graphic settings you use here? I've got an 7800x3D with a 4090, and it's complete shite compared to this smoothness! 🙂
They really just want everyone to respec to fury huh
I get it why it's low, but I really want monk energy regen to be quicker. I hate bursting and then just sitting there not doing anything because I have no energy.
Got excited yesterday when i finally saw a public crafting order up that I could meet, before realising it's PvP gear and the recipe from the auction house is mad expensive, many times more than the commission. I understand everyone wants tier-5 crafted gear, but it's a shame no-one ever uses the public orders all the same
The people who do the buff and nerfs at Blizz are completely stupid. Zero clue what they are doing.