Despite modernizing most of its roster over the years, League of Legends retains a lineup of beginner friendly champions intended to serve as gateway cast members for newcomer players. But with many of them running into situations where it’s hard to balance them due to their simplistic gameplay, today I wanted to discuss “Noob” Champions, and whether they’re even necessary for the game or not.
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Noob champs being meta is fucking tilting , garen , amumu , morde etc.
more mechanically complex champs, are not nescessarily better at expressing skill, doing 1 simple thing very well, with high reliability, is not 'noob', it's allowing ppl to express other types of skill than just mechanics. Having champs that rely on strategy, instead of hoping for outplays is important, because these do the most to shape the match. If someone rages because their team grouped up vs amumu, and calls amumu player a noob champ, they are themselves a noob. One of the roots of lol is strategy, and ppl crying because others outplayed them strategically, is one of the things that really drove me away from that game.
As someone who loves introducing their favorite things to their friends and family, we need these characters. Also, sometimes I kinda want to turn my brain off— that’s why I main Janna bc Q start, E, W, send Q, auto, auto, run away. Rinse and repeat, super easy
bro forgot my boi singed 💀💀
how the f fiddlesticks is a noob champion? he literally plays different game
I still wonder why Soraka is classified as a "very easy champion" when she uses her own health to heal which means you must use your heal during your Q so you don't kill yourself, and not Nami who only runs off her Mana pool
Idk about Fiddle tbh, their kit is simple but their gameplan is so reliant on having a genuine understanding of good macro and timing in jungle that he loops back around to being hard for new players.
His VGU is why I finally caved to my ""friends"" polite requests to play with them and installed league and I kinda had to to just drop him because I couldn't do anything.
Miss Fortune is the "noob" entry level adc, Ashe needs quite good kiting skill
I play on high ping because of where I live, and I only play normals. Noob champs are really helpful for me as a player – especially if I ever get autofilled!
I think noobs don't intentionally pick the easiest champions anyway but whoever they find coolest, I know I did
There are so many champs now that they have to make every new champ do everything. They need to stop creating new champs and overhaul the entire champ pool, including removing champs (yes, fuck you Yuumi, trash). Their obsession with making every champ do everything has removed the team aspect of the game to a large degree, to the point that team balance isn't a thing any more, and champion roles are negligible at best. If you play ADC, you'll constantly get told you're not the carry while your entire team sets you up to get jumped on and deleted because they think they can 1v9, yet ADC is the most team reliant role and can be the most impactful when team play is an actual thing. 10 years ago, the game was balanced around team play and clearly defined roles, and people played as such, but not any more. "Noob" champions aren't just for noobs, they're viable when they're fulfilling a role in a balanced team. Does Ashe do the most damage as an ADC? No. But can she have extreme area control while still pumping out great damage when she's kept safe? Absolutely.
Champions that are easier to pilot serve multiple critical functions:
– They allow new players to learn the game without being overwhelmed.
– They allow players with a bad server connection to compete with others.
– They allow players who want a break from hard mechanics to still play.
The first place where RIOT utterly fails with these champions is that they over-buff them so that they are too competitive inside a player's proper ELO. If a player that has the skill to play in high Diamond wants to one-trick Garen, they should find themselves playing in low Diamond because they are on Garen. Players should not be able to compete with others of their own skill level and win 51%+ of the time while piloting easy champions.
The second place where RIOT, and a fair portion of the player base too, utterly fails is in where they categorize some champions.
Ashe, shown above as an "easy to pilot champion", is not easy to pilot at all relative to most ADC/support picks. She's safer than some picks since she can slow and has a hard-cc ultimate, but she's not simple to operate effectively. Her ability to trade and farm is limited, and her other abilities take a bit of experience to time well. She's harder to itemize with than just about any other ADC pick, since she's utility rather than damage and the player has to decide how glass cannon to go and what items will best enable Ashe to stay as relevant as possible. Nothing is easy about Ashe except ulting the enemy jungler in their face to avoid being camped to death in laning phase, and even that feature takes a bit of game understanding to make use of. Plus… Jhin does it better, is much easier and more straightforward to play, and does better damage than Ashe. The only reason to pick Ashe over Jhin is for better global reach with vision and ulting, or if you want those features and are going up against a tanky team (since Jhin struggles vs armor/health stacking).
Akali, often touted as mechanically challenging, is given WAAAAY too much base damage on her abilities by RIOT "because she's hard to play" — except she isn't difficult to drive and is very low risk. She takes 2-3 days to learn at most, and just straight up outclasses most champions. I'm sure that a fair number of people reading this will say how hard Akali is to play… but those players almost all play/main/alt her, and not because she's balanced. I could play her too, and have. She's not balanced. A lot of supposedly hard champions are actually really easy to learn and safe to pick, and way stronger than they deserve to be.
The third place where RIOT fails, what they seem to be best at tbh, is that they like to buff popular champions when that champion's play/win rate falls. For @@@@'s sake RIOT, give the bad players a month to abandon their old busted pick and settle on their next busted pick. Those win rates will return to normal if you just do nothing. (And also – flip side of that – stop nerfing champions that almost nobody plays just because their win rate is positive. Those win-rates SHOULD be positive.) Pick/ban rates are almost a perfect mirror of champion strength, so use that data better when buffing/nerfing. Stop doing the exact opposite of what that data tells you.
Look, this might be an unpopular take, but if we're going to be cutting down on one end of the complexity scale it should 100% be from the ksante, veigo, aphelios side of things.
Just to preface the rest of this, this is coming from a long time veteran of the game (been playing since the last month of two of season 1) who has never "gotten good" at the game. For multiple reasons. I don't have the time or the desire to dedicate all my gaming time to league, I don't play keyboard and mouse games often, and I've got carpal tunnel, so extended periods of high activity gaming on keyboard and mouse really suck for me.
With that out of the way, personally, I think there is a place for high skill, high intensity champions. Champs like Leblanc, Zed, riven, they're all pretty high skill, but the difference between them, and the other 3 I listed, are that they aren't ridiculously overloaded. Not every champion needs to be able to do absolutely everything. And when you get to ksante and others like him, figuring out what he does is like literally reading an entire novel. A novel that makes you want to quit the game. And as someone who plays the game more casually, I only figured out exactly how viego works a month or 2 ago. (This isn't helped by riot's in client tooltips being almost completely useless. Champion descriptions don't even come close to telling you what a champion does, it just gives you their general vibes.
Anyway, back to the point at hand. As someone who only plays casually, sucks at precision clicking, and has a medical issue that gets in the way, simple, low apm champions are very important to me continuing to play this game. They don't need to be as simple as garen, but champs like amumu, morg, and chogath are all ones that I've mained at one point or another, because they aren't super mechanically demanding. I can use my game knowledge (which used to be better, the last couple years I haven't kept up with it enough) to win games rather than averaging 1000 actions per second on yasou.
Ah, I love being wood devision playing the same champions that someone can go 15/2/7 on before 20 minutes while I have 0/20/3. Personally, I think moon champs are great, because someone as dumb as me needs to play a simple champ sometimes. Worst case; I get a stun off. Best case; I get a stun off :3
I think garen is a bad example of a noob champion. Ever since they reworked him to have more personal damage, they removed him from being what I would call a debuff tank who's main role was to essentially serve as an enchanter and instead turned him into a juggernaut without the one weakness most juggernauts have. Almost all juggernauts struggle against poke and against being kited, which means that the way to deal with them is to do just that. However, garen has so much movement speed and tenacity in his kit and build that he doesn't have to worry about being kited, while for poke all he does is walk away from combat for a few seconds
If you're willing to argue "noob champs" as a starting option to play the game shouldn't exist, I'd argue that you can't join regular open queue until you practiced vs AI for a certain amount of time, level into the account or get a certain number of grades.
You need to practice to learn the game anyway, why throw you into a live game first time around when you're still unsure how to build, why you're building the items, rotation, counter play, match ups, knowing the other team picks characters, your teams capability, etc. Like someone else said, I can only imagine seeing someone start, first match, buy irelia and just think clicking is all you need to win.(for her yeah)
Noob champions are 100% needed in the game, but because of the "they do one job very well" you mentioned, I just find them EXTREMELY frustrating to play against. I would much rather play against a K'sante or a Viego than being stunned for 7 business days by Leona or Amumu, or one shot by Annie with basically no counter play besides "kill them first"
Im fine with noob champs, but the issue is they all end up being disgusting little stat checkers. If Riot can make a character easy without making them braindead (no they arent the same thing) then Im all for easy characters.
But as it stands the easy characters of the game are literally just stupid little "you literally dont have the stats to beat me right now" characters. All everyone does is go "Oh but they require game knowledge!" EVERY CHAMP DOES?!?! They literally all do. These are just characters that are just exempt from hand requirements, and the trade off is being feast or famines who are either winning or useless.
they are essential. league is a complicated game, lets get that straight. introducing someone unfamiliar to league or MOBAs in general to a game like league will definitely fry their brains considering how complicated and overloaded the game is with a lot of things. having champs that are simple can help them get used to the game.
Listen, I’m a simple man with simple needs; I need to turn my brain to low power some games
simple kits with high skill expression are my fave
Where's Samira? Yeah she has some complexity, but her floor is down below putting her on same level to Miss Fortune.
Noob champs are cool as long as Riot does not try to push them to be viable in High Elo, because then we get bs champs like Garen that turn out to be no counterplay champions if you powercreep them even a tiny bit to much. Garen is probably now the most hated champion in High Elo and rightfully so.
As a beginner and noob I don't play noob champions because I think there will be a huge winrate spike for me once I get better (I main Xerath and Rengar)
Just delete Garen garbage and we are good.
Ashe? Really? Ashe?
I think some just need tweaks and such, like with Veigar I liked how they made his W have more cooldown as he gets stacks. Sure not MUCH to it but at least the stacks did more than give damage. I think he just needs to be a bit more like Smolder with stacks, his abilities tweaking in how they act as he gets higher and higher. Hell make his Q get a small amount of magic pen every…I 100 or something stacks I dunno. I'm terrible with numbers, just do something to mix it up. Same for Nasus stacking…his is harder to figure out since it just…BONK a little…a little hard to make that interesting I'll admit.
FYI I am NOT suggesting they give Veigar any sort of 'elder dragon esk' thing like Smolder does late game, that is…a bit much.
How is Lux not considered a noob champ? her entire kit is brain dead poke with a full lane ult on less than 1:20 min cd at lvl 1. Not to mention her passive that she can proc on her own with just autos unlike most other champs with similar passives.
They should be reworked because instead of being used to learn the game, There are guys who play garen in ranked and do the job much easier than other champions.
"Ashe is a noob champion"
How come I'm always like 1/6 at 10 minutes with her while playing harder ADCs like Ez or MF has me on a killing spree by that same time stamp?
As a Garen Mid player I was laughing my ass off throughout this video. Subbed.
I like how I said fuck it and started playing league on yone top, and to this day still play yone top 1 year later
Could a case be made for Briar as a noob champion, dont get the wrong idea I quite like her design and think she's fun to play but she is quite liniar?
Theres no issue with having noob champs be viable up till plat or even diamond, but when garen starts popping up in pro games and gm/challenger games and doing well we have an issue.
What about briar and xerath ?
Briar is very straightforward and xerath is just all about landing skillshot from affar
Imagine put ashe over missfortune lol
There is not bigger satisfation in this cringe game than see a Jhin BEING FLASHBEARED. Sorry but.
Buddy just make some maplestory videos you are teasing me with the maplestory nostalgic music being used XD
How is ashe a noob champion? Lol
People like to "master" complicated champs and end up being completely useless outside of a 1v1