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Welcome back! Patch 11.0.5 brings loads of class changes. We’ve tested them all on PTR, and you’ll learn everything you need to know in this video.
00:00 What 11.0.5 Does
00:54 Paladins
03:01 Balance
06:56 Rogues
09:20 Hunters
11:19 Mages
12:26 Shamans
14:55 Healers
16:17 Outro
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does the dracthyr thing means we will be able to have more than one? finally!
Hopefully they release Hero Talents.
Feels like off-healing hasn't been a thing since the Burning Crusade. Am I taking crazy pills here or do these paladin changes just seem like talents you're never going to use in any real scenario?
PRIEST?! WHEN PRIEST?! Forgotten class of WoW.
I love how at 12:00 he sweeps a pretty big nerf for Frost Spellslinger under the Rug. Generating and comsuming as many Winter's Chills (and FoF) as possible is the major thing you play around. Having Splinterstorm no longer give you extra Winter's Chills to consume, which plant more Frost Splinters, which in turn reset Frozen Orb for more Fingers of Frost proccs will cost us quite some dps.
Fire still needs big help to keep up with Frost/Arcane currently. Neither in M+, Raid or PvP they can shine as they should.
Frostfire Hero Talents also need some help to keep up with Spellslinger and Sunfury.
We are getting closer to a good Mage, but still far from "perfect".
these thumbnails suck
Imagine playing paladin lmaooo
warriors need some love as well, they got gutted for no reason. yes they performed well on some aoe fights but for example: fury's single target is abismal while other specs are shining on both sustain single target and aoe. sometimes im falling behind the tank in heavy aoe in m+ in slayer spec bc i dont have all of my cooldowns up from the previous pack. meanwhile picking thane means my single target is gonna be even worse, meanwhile aoe won't get any better
Noooo don’t mess with my elemental shaman it’s perfect right now it has a lot of buttons but I like clicking.
hoping my main (BM hunter) won't do such low damage that i'm embarrassed to do group content in 11.5 anymore. I pretty much dropped it and made an Earthen Dwarf army during 11.0
Main mage, alt pala, its a good time
They still need to do some more pruning on rogues before I will consider coming back to revisit the class but I'm glad they've acknowledged it's basically button bloat hell but in more flattering terms. Slice and Dice automatically being activated is a good step in the right direction, same with Thistle Tea.
Yeah they buff Shamens, moment, isnt Shamen the only thing you can play? Blizzard is so stupid and sucks sorry, but how in the world.
Inb4 hate, that’s a lot of blinking, is that normal?
paladin got a another rework while priest healer dont even get a silence 
SP's Voidweaver is so shit in every regard compared to Archon… nevermind SP's being at the bottom.
my fantasy. get a monk drakthir. outrun everything else. Profit.
Literally balance Druid had every spell become a talent point and it’s just broken my whole love for boomkin, the damage is horrendous and the lack of intimacy with my cooldowns are just unavailable so I’m hoping this rework will add more flow to the class.
Wheres the master of harmony work
Let shamans use 2h weapons thats all i need. Thought stormbringer was doing that but nope. And maybe let my demolish on my arms warrior move at reduced speed
Not gonna lie, your ad transition gets me every time. I know it's coming but you sly
Packleader for hunters needs to be scrapped and redone. The fantasy is missing.
Give it more meaningful pets and stampede back please for starters.
Wow a lot of changes for wow's small dev team, nice
I think I've seen this video before…. hmm……
If you're complaining about rogues, stop playing them, its a skill issue.
not sure why so many think boomkin is bad right now, seems to be doing pretty well single target and aoe with the m+ build, does have quiet a few defensives , rivival, bark skin, enraged regen, the instant cast regrowth procs that give damage reduction while its on you, and you have a disengage, and considering how easy the rotation is managing eclipes isnt hard either
Or, hear me out… Bring back pendulum Boomkin. Why the hell did they get rid of that.
And yeah the auto thistle tea is a good change for those who struggle with it, but especially for sub is a MASSIVE nerf. Not being able to control when your thistle tea procs can completely ruin your dance and CB/ST windows. Like… REALLY badly.
Blizzard continues to overlook voidweaver and not make it viable
Druids´biggest problem is class tree, without that completely reworked no singular spec is going to be better.
The people on here complaining that their 3d chat room is getting harder to play. Get over it or go play rp servers at goldshire
Shaman is in a good spot. If they bring a tank spec to the game it will be a dream…
The closest to having an actual visual hero talents is warlocks with their Legion demons it's always sick to see a big ass demon to appear and just got nutty
They need to do something about solo Delve balance. It is a joke how hard I have to fight in a T8 with my Enhancement Shaman while my tank twinks (and Demo WL) just roll through them with ease.
Heck, my Druide just reached lvl 80 two hours ago and while watching this video on the second screen I did a T8 delve solo with her as Bear with ilvl 570 … got a Guardian weapon