be sure to listen what i say in the video since this method requires some preparations but once u done those u never have to worry again its the fastest method ingame atm

3 13 Less than a minute
be sure to listen what i say in the video since this method requires some preparations but once u done those u never have to worry again its the fastest method ingame atm
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Like someone else commented, you really should interrupt the Caustic Spittle cast, unless you have a way to remove slows (it's not the Angler's Web that slows you). The slow debuff is usually what's going to get you hit by the fear or frontals, and most classes do not have a fear breaker. Brann will dispel the slow debuff if you have him as a healer, but it seems to be on a long cooldown so he will get maybe 1/3 if you get hit. I just put Zekvir as my focus target, since the Spittle is the only thing that you need to interrupt, unless the cocoons hatch and the spiders starts to cast their stun. But if that is happening a lot, your dps is probably too low. With that being said, you really don't need high dps for this fight. I've done this on freshly dinged 560 ret pala and WW alts, doing around 350K dps.
Hey you can interrupt the Caustic Spittle, that's what's slowing you.
thx ))