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They Fixed This MAJOR Problem in Rally Games… (EA SPORTS WRC)

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My favourite thing about EA SPORTS WRC so far is the stages. It’s clear that some serious love & effort has gone into them . With 17 locations, each with their own distinct vibe and 30km layout. They’re rendered in a staggering amount of detail of for the size of them. It makes you believe they’re truly a 1:1, almost laser scanned recreation, that include so much detail that most of it is invisible to the eye.
In pretty much every rally game to date, these stages have been b*******d. Making them flatter, wider, straighter, and overall, removing any semblance of a challenge. But not in WRC. These stages are actually claustrophobic and technically challenging. They’re an absolute treat to drive on; and not just for your eyes. It’s incredibly easy to get lost in a stage. You forget you’re just a nerd playing a video game with a fake steering wheel. Bumps and knocks your car takes feel very real, and an intense state of anxiety comes over you, when you get just a bit too close to the edge of the 100ft drop into dense forest.

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▶Cammus Wheel Base
▶Fanatec Shifter
▶Fanatec CSL Elite Loadcell Pedals
▶Heusinkveld Handbrake

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▶GTX 1080
▶i5 8600k
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  1. Loving wrc and the game ofc but I would like to have all the calendar stages…Not the reverse with different name! Just mentioned but its a really better job than the WRC GENERATIONS!

  2. i absolutely loooove hokono lake. i had top 3 in wet on that at some poinnt its beautiful. you should play some greece maps. this game also made me fall in love with the peugot especially since we never got them here in america really

  3. True, the stages are awesome, challenging, fast, diverse. The only gripe I have is that the graphics (especially vegetation) are just not as good as previous games. DR 2.0 namely. The pace notes are also not as good… lack detail, doesn’t tell you ‘narrow’ or it seldome uses ‘caution’ BUT that being said, the stages are what make this game good. Gravel and loose surface physics are good. Tarmac physics are a bit weird but probably realistic. Im just used to DR 2.0 tarmac physics which were not very realistic.

  4. hey your community has been being extreme toxic towards me the mods have done nothing about it. i like your content but the discord server is too toxic for me as they were hating on me cause i was a e-girl. also were making fun of me because i am a woman.

  5. I have watched a video that said the stages were flattened to make them easier and unrealistic (as in low detail). I was wondering if we played the same game, I agree with this video.

  6. It makes no sense to watch the vids on such channels nowadays as they probably get money to say what they're saying. EA WRC is decent, but what the heck are you talking about suggesting the driving is "challenging". You can bounce off nearly all of the stage elements and keep going. For some reason the barbed fences gave way in DR2 when you hit them, but here you can use them as a trampolin to be propelled back on track… And tarmac physics are a joke, I'm a mediocre driver and I don't even feel the need to focus on driving B-group cars, as they're like glued to the ground…

  7. Am i the only one that thinks dr 2.0 was better in almost every aspect? I played today and didn't really like it as much…maybe just need to play a little bit more

  8. I've only played 3 hours of WRC 2023 but I feel the opposite. By Dirt Rally standards I agree the quality of the stages is incredible, almost rivaling WRC 10, but I'm yet to run into a single challenging part. In DR1 and 2.0 almost every stage has surprises in store, like that 200kph jump into a right 4 or 5 in Germany after you come out of the forest with the two square lefts, all of Greece, every log pile in Finland as well as the "big jump into house".. Scotland.. Wales..
    A lot of the "excitement" is definitely down to the unreliable pace notes in DR2 but to me the stages in 2023 feel a lot more like Dirt 4 than anything else.

  9. Kinda weird when you're telling me that they're so amazing and detailed yet showing a video of boring and flat stages straight out of DR2.0
    How much did EA pay you to sell the game?

  10. Now, I'm not gonna lie – when it comes to racing games, I'm as filthy as casual gets.
    I did try dirt (and a few older wrc I believe?) Series games, yet never found it in me to actually get a steering wheel and other peripherals for it.
    My knowledge on the subject is limited at best, is what I'm trying to articulate.
    Yet, the narration here, editing added up with a couple chuckles here and there make me want to redownload dirt 2.0 and try my best to set some records on keyboard.
    Good watch, man, thank you.

  11. WRC from KT already "fixed" the stages, it has more realistic looking and beautifully crafted stages than this new game. KT's WRC was however not very immersive and driving just didn't feel very satisfying, even though in many ways more realistic than DR2.

  12. The KT WRC series had great stages, all of them were tight, narrow, detailed and difficult. If every rally game to date refers to the Dirt Series being wide open easier stages, I'd agree, but not the last few years of the official games.

  13. basicly the first minute of this video, tells me that the average person won't have fun with this game… 😕
    I've put hundreds of hours into rally and racing games but I just don't get much better and I was hoping not all stages in the new WRC are going to be so narrow
    and basicly only enjoyable for really, really good players…
    this combined with static onlookers, who won't run from you and automatic reset, when you go off trail by a meter, makes me nolonger want this game, sadly

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