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00:00 Patch Overview
00:17 Top Lane Tier List Changes
01:49 Jungle Tier List Changes
03:18 Mid Lane Tier List Changes
04:49 AD Carry Tier List Changes (Bot Lane)
06:46 Support Tier List Changes
08:27 Thanks for Watching!
where ist twisted fate? cant find him anywhere
I feel like Briar is really strong
Why viego? Have you guys tried him? Starting from mid game onwards, everyone can kill you like a bitch.
Briar feels S tier to me.
where is morgana in the jungle tier list?
Havent seen a worse tierlist video
jinx is a??
shes literally the best champ in the game
u cant build kraken to kaise since her q wont evolve with pickaxe anymore
holy shit you guys really are clueless arent you ?
blocking this dogshit channel
I see i made the right call in benching soraka, and now even moreso than ever after watching this video. How sad.
Alf Locks
Where is thresh on the support side of things, I thought he was S tier
Where's tahm kench support/botlane and Nunu midlane?
59601 Kacey Isle
Azir 😢
Every worlds tourney kaisa and kogmaw in every team every damn season
I would like to give some positive feedback, I think they should be more careful with tierlists since there are so many dumb mistakes which I know they would have corrected if noticed (no thresh supp, no tristana, 2 Yasuos, etc.), also about the tierlist Voliber jungle it's just nuts, I 've been playing him for a few months and although he's been great since then I've never felt it was so easy to get a lead with him and how strong he is with that lead hahaha.
Also excuse my english if there is any mistake it's not my native language and I've been lacking practice recently. Thank you all
How is Akshan B tier
Hauck Hills
Shen is not "simple" at all, you have a lot of micro and strat, the diference between an otp and a average shen is abismal, the kit just looks simple
So they just made most of the cancer champs meta, cancer company
Colton View
XD BRO. This tier list is so ass. There's a reason everyone uses skillcapped tier list. Half the champs are missing from their lanes and THERE ARE 2 YASUO'S LMAO. Shit opinions all around from clownalytics and clearly don't spend enough time paying attention to champs.
Why is there 2 yasuo's in the mid lane tier list?
Murray Crossing
Yasuo in 2 tiers lol
Nah bro. Jhin feels completely useless. So many people pick tankier champs and with these insane ADC item nerfs it is virtually unplayable. I went from 65% wr on jhin last split to 0/7 win/loss this one.
Teemo Jungle should be at least B tier and Support should be A tier, very oppressive and guarantees jungle control for drag.
Green Pine
why is Jayce in the thumbnail but mentioned 0 times.
Well fellow ADC mains, we had a good split.Time for tank meta
ADC is depressing
Where is twisted fate in mid tire list?
Nah bro yall sleeping on Aurora. Basically freelo if you have fingers😂
is yasuo A or B
placing yone in good is just wrong he is to say the least a more to s
every single time its these shitbrain jungle champions that are the best to play. like no one seriously want to play warwick/voli/skarner/udyr. how long does udyr have to be an abomination.
a sol hard? on what planet?
QIYANA is still so damn OP what you talking about
Jax very OP !
Hey! Where's thresh in the support tier list?