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The Mystery of Morrowgrain (Deep Dive & Lore Theory) | World of Warcraft

Hello everybody, and welcome back to another video here on the channel! Today, we unlock the mysteries surrounding morrowgrain, a little-known herb from Classic WoW that has quite a few implications for the wider game!

All footage retrieved from Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-).

Images retrieved from Google Images and WoWHead.

Background Music: “The Swamp of Sorrows”, “The Barrens”, “Feralas” from the WoW OST; “Jungle Preparation II” from the Kingdom Rush: Frontiers OST

#wotlkclassic #wow #mmo

Outro Music: “You’re The One Acoustic Rehearsal” by Greta Van Fleet

Jediwarlock 2023

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  1. wow i never saw the connection about the corrupted cave in Teldrassil with Un'Goro before! once you mention it it feels so obvious that the plants and music are the same.

    love to see all these small connections you point out in your videos!

  2. It amazes me to this day how deep the lore for Vanilla was. How many small stories are told spanning multiple zones, even if it made for a slower leveling experience. It's funny to think how the old "visit town, grab 10 quests, genocide the neighborhood and then turn in all 10 quests" way of designing quest hubs had so many small stories woven into it while the new focus on Campaign missions and chapters can only get 1 major story through for each patch.

    Love your videos, keep em coming.

  3. I like your theory, but given what happened to Fandral in the War of the Shifting sands where he lost his son I find it a little weird that he ended up working for the Old Gods, I know the Nelves hate the Legion but if Fandral really was upset about his son's death they make more sense as his masters than the Old Gods do.

    That ship however has long since sailed & there is probably some book somewhere that explains this that I haven't read.

  4. The quest every neglects to talk about in regards of Teldrassil's corruption is the Thresher quests in Darkshore. You can find numerous dead Threshers corpses along the beaches in Darkshore to the point where it stops being coincidence.

    Apparently the threshers are purposefully beaching themselves in an attempt to swim away from Teldrassil

  5. Id have loved if the emerald dream was in vanilla. The scope, sky box, and surreal landscapes give me a very uncanny feeling. Youre not supposed to be there, and yet you boldly go and use this dreamscape to your advantage and parse the subconscious truths from fictions.
    The sleeper must awaken!

  6. i really love it when questlines span multiple areas and have interesting stories, reminds me of runescape's grandmaster quests. i feel the like the nature of the expansion cycle makes blizzard hesitant to use old areas for this type of thing more in modern WoW (though the heritage quests have been a good start)

  7. I think this is a great content. deep diving a quest on wow for RPG feel.
    because it's hard for casual player to follow any story in wow. i never read, just skip lol.
    keep up the great work Jedi,

  8. video I really enjoy your videos and my only critique if any would be the sound quality is a little off I think investing in a better microphone would probably help a lot. Also, maybe some sound deadening pads to place around the room where you’re doing the recording at to help cut down on a little bit of the background noise.

  9. Seeing how Teldrassil's corruption is a prevailing theme in the zone, I think Fandral purposely corrupting the tree is pretty solid.

    It's particularly tragic that Fandral was corrupted by the same entity that was responsible for the death of his son.

  10. i had never ever noticed these things until you pointed them out in this video and i was like huh that makes alot of sense why this stuff exists very good video

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