5 Tips to improve your aim in call of duty warzone! In this educational warzone video, tcaptainx breaks down 5 separate tips to improve your accuracy in warzone through centering, maximizing aim assist, controller modifications, recoil control, and how to practice your aim!
Intro: (00:00)
Centering: (00:28)
Maximizing Aim Assist: (3:15)
Controller Modifications: (5:43)
Recoil Control: (8:56)
Practicing and Warm up Routine: (11:55)
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Warzone Controller Settings: https://youtu.be/gr1lFYEzbFs
Warzone Aim Guide: https://youtu.be/Hqjhka4xvvs
Warzone Movement Guide: https://youtu.be/Pa_9mF-2VQM
Business email: tcaptainx@carterpulse.com
#tcaptainx #callofduty #warzone
what's your headphones bro ?
Do you think the rotational aim assist will be back on bo6? because they deleted the rotational A A on the beta so i dont know if it is worth to train like no , what do you think?
I think the back paddles info is wrong. Mine broke within 3 months of purchase with very light use and I contacted Aim but was told no warranty cover for it since they can't guarantee how it is used. Paid 27 Euros to have a replacement sent to me.
Mouse & keyboard aim guide
Most streamer 2 box! All this stuff is just common sence lmfao
tip pt.69 download aimbot, install phantom overlay
Mnk is better because you can move better to account for your aim. If you can aim well then its the best imput
Tip number (two?) move your joystick, or mouse but ew.
Man i just want my good wifi to work all the time. I cant get ethernet 🙁
THX bruh
those who know:💀💀💀
Noti gang
Yo but where did you get that Itachi shirt?!?!
Tcap has to make a second chanel just for gamplays… like chalenges or just using random guns. That is just my opinion. Much love from Croatia ❤❤❤
I'm horrible on Controller
Earliest ive been to a tcap vid
Step 1 get controller and turn on aim assist
Nice vid
Tcap, since you adopted me, can i get a pc for Christmas? 😊😊😊
Thx tcap this is gonna help me a lot.
1 view in 20 secs. Bro fell off