I show you biggest cause of fps drops (on good PCs) in raids and M+ and in general for users using weak aura packs.
I will do a follow up video in future on optimizing fps on mid to lower end PCs.
This video I wanted to get out asap cause it kills fps on ALL pcs from low all the way to the highest spec pcs. Guilds in RWF were even dropping to 10-20fps on Pcs with 4090s and latest cpu and this was found to be cause.
Test WA:
Script that can auto scan auras for any models in use:
/run for _,d in pairs(WeakAurasSaved.displays) do if d.subRegions then for _,sr in ipairs(d.subRegions) do if sr.type==”submodel” then print(d.id) end end end end
#worldofwarcraft #mmorpg #gaming
The Asmon bullying is wild, this video is insane value, subbed! you taking it really well though haha (the trolling)
Just saw your video and I'd like to say that I have a model on every single spell and bar xD I do not have actionbars, only weakauras, however I'm tanking the FPS with my 4090 and 7950x3d, so yeah. xD However, two days ago I got a huge micro-stuttering and FPS boost, not sure if somebody at the dev team has fixed something…
Your delivery and teaching skills are really good. What a good and useful video, appreciate it alot.
I have like 24 fps in hub cities like Valdrakken and Dornogal. Probably due to my old i5-8500. Use Elvui, Plater, and a very limited number of small WAs. No issues anywhere else. I guess for me it's the CPU ? GPU is an RTX 3070.
go pay more for this wonderful blizzard
thank you so much!!
for me it was nerubar palace weakaura pack it caused 25fps drop outside of the raid just enabling this aura (with the green eye button in WA)
If you want a visual representation then is there a way around this? e.g. i want my spells to show up and such. I've noticed it occurs for icons too not as bad but it still happens….
I dare u to say model one more time ..amazing video none the less
Could this be related to ElvUI's fps drop? Do we know if they use models in their code?
I have a 1050(laptop) and play at 30 fps normal content and 15-20 group content, any fix for that? beside the obvious one of course 😜
What about something like shadowed unit frames? Because it utilizes models itself in terms of mana and cast bars, would that tank frames too? Anyone know?
Awesome to see a fellow mac gamer, and nice find on the bug.
But your machine is running into really high temps 93C at 7:18 that could also be causing performance issues as your machine will throttle at these levels.
It was a case since DF (or even before that?). I've noticed it because I was using Arfena's class WA and he uses small models in every resource bar that cause my fps drops.
So that's why I can't afk correctly Dornogal
What a king! Thank you mate, I will be sure checking this. I usually dont lag but sometimes the FPS drops a bit and its frustrating
I'll try this later as I have a custom built system to play wow on and for the first time ever I suffer fps issues. To the point I am considering whether or not I can mythic raid. This could be the reason.
Most of the fps drop is from using addons, i tried last expansion to raid it and without the addons and the fps difference is too huge
Does it "works" only for WAs or possible for some addons too?
I don’t even have weakauras installed and still get shit fps, blizzard has been so terrible with optimising this game for the last few expansions
2.5 mins into the vid same here it happens to me on queen fights. I froze during liquify and died. Can’t use inputs or anything.
Hello, thank you for the good video.
I didn't understand the video content because I wasn't familiar with English.
That's why I'm asking.
Why do you use this weakaura?
Is it for running this weakaura to decrease the fps and increase the fps if not used?
I'm not sure what this means.
Having these issues without weakauras though. Maybe other addon issues?
Im so glad that this video isn’t just another of those “turn your graphics down” to fix the fps video. Lol very informative thx Asmongold!
My WoW crashes saying Out of Memory. There are some leaks too it seems. Don't know if it's fixed yet, haven't really played.
Holy crap this explains so much! Thank you, I was concerned this issue came from a GPU I got recently.
Can only pray Blizzard listens to the feedback
Why is bro pronouncing MODEL like that?
Seems like the problem is easily solved if Blizzard just bans addons.
Thanks for the video Asmonsilver
its not the weakaura or at least its one of many problems that causes these fps issues. thank you for feeding my nerdy brain. Im doing a video too about that, something is really broken in WoW with cpu/gpu rendering
This mythicalos nerding out in front of asmongold might break the internet
That's really strange. I added a bunch of models for testing, but it didn't affect the FPS in my game like yours at all. I have a 4070 and an Intel Core i5-11400F, but the maximum FPS I can achieve in this game is between 80-100. 30-50 on Dornagal. none of my weakauras have those models btw
Because I suck at this game. Oh.. you mean FPS and not DPS… well, I don't know the answer for that one.
with all these WA bosses what's the fix then ?
big thanks dude. went from around 30ish fps to 70fps in raid!
Back when Asmongold made helpful content
What os are you using?
or the fbi is telling blizzard to spy on gamers and its constantly sending data and addons are triggering the spyware features of the game
Its the new GPU driver. Reinstall
i have a radical idea maybe try to play the game with skill rather than with addons
My main thing was the raytracing option. FPS only dropped in highly populated areas. Turning off raytracing solved all my issues.
Maybe you should just play the game and delete WA instead of having an addon playing the game for you.
An addon addiction consequence. The game should be 100% playable without any addons.
Hmm interrsting. I’ve got stuttering from like nowhere and can’t find a source of it, probably same as here, need to recheck it all
Thank you so much!
Dude why is Connor McDavid making wow videos?