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Who Are The “Sons of Lothar”? | World of Warcraft Lore

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  1. Anduin lorther and Faerin lorther seems to have the same ancestor however a split seems to have happened a long time ago ware some of the lorther family sails east and establish an empire with the king of strom and some High elf’s.

  2. The way Faerin talks about her name Lorthar i think she may be a descendant of a brother or even cousin of Anduin Lorthar i dont think she’s as closely related to Anduin as the name may imply

  3. As someone who’s played wow from wrath through legion I never knew much about BC content. Through my own curiosity I’ve learned a lot about Warcraft 3 and classic wow lore. I’ve been to honor hold and allerian stronghold many times, seen Khadgar many times, and seen those statues in Stormwind many times. And in the movie obviously I saw Lothar. Still all these years later I never knew how it was all connected. I didn’t even care to find out honestly lol I’ve stopped playing wow but your video came up in my feed and I was not disappointed. WoW has a lot of interesting lore, and if you continue to make videos about it I’m sure I’d check them out. Many other lore channels make super lengthy videos and go way too in depth to keep my attention for long. Good job 👏🏼

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