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Why Mike quit Blizzard, large hints at WoW’s next patch, an even faster way to farm Valorstones, and a whole lot more!
00:00 This Week in WoW
00:25 Blizzard Dropped Another Hint
03:16 Get Your Tender Ready.
04:10 Player Feedback Heard!
06:16 Bobby Kotick 🙂
09:22 Quickfire War Within Updates
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Heartbreaking really. So many expansions that were ruined because of budgeting and other games completely pulled and destroyed – all of which could've really revived, brought back, and attracted new players.
Why mix a drama video and a news video o.O Would be nicer if I could just watch the drama ^^
Jason schier zzzzz. What a one sided hack
Blizzards downfall I've been hearing this for yrs and I'm still waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting
dOWnFALl – you fatties have been crying this since the 2nd expansion yet you are still playing
I tried coming back to wow afrer being gone for…a long long time. I had fun for a few weeks but already canceled my sub. Hit a wall with getting mythic plus groups and guild raid so i decided my backlog was and is more appealing.
I've always theorized that WoW's downfall will be the mistakes of corporate management or some other corporate-related issue. Because this game has gone on since 2004 and it's still good enough to easily have 20 more years, with the right management and development team.
It is so convenient that it is all Bobbys fault.
The fact that running the same fight over and over for 20 minutes is peak gameplay is why this game is not much fun for me. once you go through the "story" part of the xpac, it is mindnumbing repetitive grinding.
Im finally burnt out on WoW for the last time. 20 years. Waiting for the anniversary then wont be logging back on.
That book basically confirms what most of us were feeling about the Activision-Blizzard merger. That should have never happened.
Bobby Kotic ruined COD as well, and by all accounts is a real POS in real life.
Bloody hell he really does look like trade prince gallywix
all my homies hate kotick
Blizzard have done it again anouther Banger of an expansion thank you blizzard !!! ❤❤❤
m+ in its current form is basicly dead for most ppl so wow is dead for most ppl too, who gives a fuck about the things as long as the most important thing isnt fixed.
Blizzard/Activision are insanely corrupt.
good lord, turn up the volume on the ad some more, my ears still work a bit
fuck wow they should bring out a AH mount instead of the transmog mount
Holy shit, that was Zekvir giga nerfed? He still felt way overtuned!
No goblin patchhh I like goblins but I’m sick of fighting them in dungeons for years aughhhhh
Bobbie is a tumor.
I've hated the old Ascendance form since Cata. I hate the new ones too. I guess I'll have to wait another 14 years to be disappointed again.