Now that we’re back from the Race to World First and Liquid claimed their incredibly clean victory. It’s time for us to look at this raid, it’s incredible tuning, and how the race turned out.
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22 11 Less than a minute
lost alot of respect for u after seeing hte pickle thing
imo echo feels now like business not like a guild
I want to see not only more guilds in contention, but also I'd love to see a tier where both top guilds start at the same time and where Echo is ahead to see them leading the charge with strat creation. Usually we see Liquid do things first. I wanna see Echo do it first.
Would really like to see another NA guild running for world first as well. Would be a great viewing experience to see 4 guilds going at it…. also, those chineese guilds were not far behind. Wouldnt be surprised to see them move up at some point as well
Maybe it’s just because as an American I root for Team Liquid to win but I didn’t find it difficult to watch. I was turning it on every day around noon my time (9am California time) & having it on until midnight to 1am my time. Sadly they killed it at like 3am after I had gone to bed.
Hardest? Liquid plowed right through this raid, Eco and Method just didn't have it this time. Liquid was the better Team this tier. the Race was no were near close.
surely the hardet raid is Sepulcher of the First Ones
What do you mean, the best tuning ever?
the first 4 boss fell instantly, even for my meme world 200 guild.
Broodtwister have some of the strictest comp requirement for a 5th boss. at one point 700 guilds were stuck on him.
Princess had to be 1-tanked and vantus'd by RWF guild.
BOE trash farming is the most effective thing to do for anyone between world 25 and 750 for the first 2 weeks.
which part of this sounds like good tuning?
God damnit you have gotten thin since the last time i same one of your vids bro!
If you wanted to thin out gratz otherwise i am quite worried about your health brother!
Nah 8 bosses is perfect just tune better, 10/11 bosses will be alot harder for these short seasons
Preach covering WoW! Now this I love! Bigup!!
man what is with every content creator not knowing how to change the mic peaking…. it wasnt an issue for so long and now its everywhere…..
It’s a piece of shit raid, no story, no narrative, just another femboss
Bros simping again
I am a person who enjoys pugging Heroics and getting curves in week 1, I love the progress when doing group content etc.
From all the Heroics, for the past few years, Queen was really a 10/10 difficulty – 1 person fails a simple mechanic, the entire raid is dead.
The closest experience I had was Sire Denatrius, who took me around 120 pulls on heroic back then with pugs to kill, compared to Queen that took me almost 240.
Anyway, good tier and 10/10 end boss.
Having Ghaz on the wall is a win and ensures you'll go faster if you wear red. Need to toss that Thousand Son in the bin though. Magnus and his legion have always been trash. Get yourself a proper plague marine up there and if they aren't available then get a zerker.
that pickle thing was kinda gaaay
is there a meme i missed with the pickle?
I honestly do see the appeal of RWF streams. I tuned in on Broodtwister and Ansurek for like an hour and I was bored to death. The only redeeming quality were casters that were entertaing but gameplay wasn't at all, costatnt breaks, constant splits… like mythic opened, I go on echo stream and they are doing heroics for next 2 days… like we had 7 days of splits already… anyways Im definitely not a target audience.
I think saying this is the most difficult raid ever is a bonkers statement. Sepulcher is still untouchable in that regard. Itd be like if after kyveza there were 4 more fights of that level of difficulty and tuning, not 1.
14:50 Back when warriors used to be pumpers :O