World of Warcraft The War Within patch 11.0.5 is on the PTR with the 20th Anniversary event, but ALSO character interactions and dialogue pretty explicitly laying the foundation for the story and new patch zone of patch 11.1. Do you like Goblins? Do you like the Arathi? Do you like AIRSHIPS??? Then War Within’s next major patch might just be for you
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► Wowhead Articles
Zekvir’s Lair Delve Tuning: Nerfs to Health, Damage, and Adds
Update to New Ascendance Form Shaman Models in Patch 11.0.5 – New Traditional & Energetic Glyphs
New Waze World of Warcraft Voice Pack – Let Thrall Guide Your Path (to Work)
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00:00 Intro
01:37 No Spoilers
11:40 Rebot Spoilers for Patch 11.1
18:52 End bit
This expansion I was kinda missing Thrall overall.
But now, my favorite green guy is on every drive with me. Thanks for covering that, I could have missed that
I finally figured out where i heard that intro from, pilotwings.
Anyone noticed the similarities between the ambient music in Azj-Kahet and the atmospheric track by Bauhaus 'Bella Lugosi's dead'? As I fly around the zone the same three bass notes send me straight back to 1979.
🙏🏼🙏🏼 for a ticker class, with the raid! 🙏🏽
You know, if you go into the ringing depth, you go further in the south. You will see an ending wall with not the same color compared to what's around. AND it's near the gobelin camp
Omg the shaman meme folder was epic thabk you!
I miss her glasses : /
"ai hating" oh i love immortalis
I am sure the next patch land design will again be amazing but I really, really don’t like questing underground. Kind of depressing
10:00 garrosh did nothing wrong !
Just a heads up, the chapter title is "Rebot Spoiler"
I am disappointed in evitel's pronunciation of zebra.
ok, so the Goblins are mining the top of the light crystal in Hallowfall.
shes pretty hot ngl
If Hallowfall is under Beledar… and we've only seen "beledar" from underneath. WHAT IF WHAT THE GOBLINS ARE TALKING ABOUT. IS THE TOP HALF?! i'm not saying Hallowfall is under some Goblin Zone no. BUT, whatever Beledar is? whatever Naaru it was? IT HAD TO BE SPLIT IN TWO. and who could split a fkin naaru core like that in two? the titans. THE TITANS SPLIT BELEDAR IN TWO BECAUSE WHEN IT WAS WHOLE… it was a threat. and the titans stopped it. but i dread to think what exactly Beledar as a whole… was capable of. it could even have been split into more parts. but the way this is, Beledar was split in pieces. for a reason.
ANY time I ever get bored or lonely in wow, I just watch some daily reset and get inspired to go back at it again as a m+ healer, and I can't stretch this far enough, I cherish that feeling. truly.
not any more =(
My Interface always cuts off his name. So hes Brann Bro now.
After listening to Evitel say the comment about the hand in February, the image of the broom between the legs of the supplied image made me think of a giant love rocket, hint-hint.
ok calling it if their is a goblin raid . End boss Gallywix
Down down to goblin town.
I'm still trying to figure out where Zeqvir's lair is.
(I'm not trying very hard.)
I'm okay with Undermine as a zone, but pleaseeeee no Goblin raid. The Goblin aesthetic is best in small doses for me, if I gotta do a Goblin aesthetic raid for months I'm gonna be so bummed lol
Don't worry soon we'll be going to the Island of beautiful men to balance out all the "strong female warriors".
How did I not know about this lol Great video
I like the crazy hair.
Goblins. ♥ I just wanna see Elune's return from the Maw! 😀 Elune = Future Sylvanas. (little Moon) Purged & in all her glory & light! 😀
Why does your d20 light have two 10's on it?
Zek'vir's vault farm was hot-fixed. Now you can't get even one slot by killing him. Was in the yesterday bluepost.
I think they said Zek'vir doesn't count in the vault.
I cant understand why all content creators are saying zek'vir is easy now! i tried it today on a 595 prot pala and i just cant dps check the egg enough times consistently to down it. how on earth do you get the 11m dps check on a newly dinged 80 i have no idea.
This expansion is so fun. Went back on youtube to listen to WoW lore videos while at work.
Why does my female draenei shaman have to ascend to a bulky and chonky man-form???
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 "he may not be able to command the elements, but he'll get u to the supermarket—and back" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
dawnbreaker is trash
Wait wait theres a third winderunner sister