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Currently streaming CLASSIC HARDCORE & SOD everyday @ https://www.twitch.tv/payo !! Make sure to follow my twitch – maybe a little twitch prime? Have a great day everyone
Tonton, the big moron, down the John, dead and gone!🤣
Tonton's little advanture 😀
RIP Tonton the keyboard turner
Tonton … on of us RIP my little piece of shittuh
Lmao thanks PAYO you made me laugh so Much haha !!
The only time he didn't use stealth, was in a Mak'Gora ofc.
Justice EZ Clap
What the hell was going through his brain 🤣
I hate that tonton means something else in spanish slang @_@
shouldve add content about him being crippled irl imo xD sad ppc but i cant stop laughing cest drole en tbk
So just about an hour ago. Tonton a level 25 Rogue popped up in Deathlog. RIP again to the little man.
#justiceforTonTon 🙏🏻😂
tonton was using game mechanics, why add pickpocket if you're not allowed to use it huh? payo is a little bit of a kim jong il here
tonton is not a streamer who get rich from account sharing or viewers giving him money
he need those 10-50 coppers from the mobs dont b34t the homeless payo
pure entertainment
tonton deserved it tbh
Tonton ❌
Tontoff ✅
I think we need a Tonton sticker
Pickpocketing every mob is fucking legendary. Long live Tonton the god rogue 😂
Tonton Keyboard turning in his grave rn
this video is amazing tonton should be a streamer
i just came here to like and comment as you said bro great vid !!!
im here because payo told me to.
Can we LICKA the COCKA Payo ?
Why do you buff him! *has world buffs*. This dude literally belongs where he is. Ganking lowbies and keyturners on Classic xD. So fucken bad man.
He didn't listen!
what rogue accepts a makgora, and doesnt fucking stealth LMAO
zanza + ony buff vs no buffs, wow 😀 free ear
Why does he looks gay ?
Tonton was murdered ppn
0:35 HE-HEE
Rest in peace my little piece of shitto