Here’s the Full Solo / Co-op Easter Egg Guide to the Zombies Map REVELATIONS from Black Ops 3 Zombies. This is the fastest and easiest guide available released in 2022. This guide will get you through the Easter Egg first time.
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I get why they call it an ee now😭
The glitch with the summoning key and teleporter should’ve been the first thing you mentioned on that step
Got to the boss fight, filled up summoning key with souls, picked it up and it glitched out of sight… still had it when i would melee but everything left my hands as if i had no weapons and I couldnt continue… 😭😭😭
Thanks for the help I finally beat the bo3 ee
Bro I need help I don't even know what to do I'm completely new with this map and I can do origins but not this
Who is on PlayStation and wants to do the rev easter egg
i’m not trying to compare but man your videos are so much more informative than a lot others, thank you!!
I have completed this with friends before but I was doing a solo run and it won’t let me interact with Sofia . I’m guessing it just glitched out . Literally the farthest I have gotten by myself I’m on a high round tho so probably wouldn’t have ended will. I’m at round 39 right now running for my life every where I go 😂. Oh well maybe try again another time
Dude thanks so much I just finished all the Easter eggs your awesome the video really helped I know I’m late but thank you so much dude🍕🍕🍕🍕
i can't find the triangle rock ojn any of the jump pads :/
The triangle rock just didn’t spawn for me and my friend lol, checked every jump pad 5+ times
It’s funny to think about how the origins crew canonically did every single Easter egg on the first try out of sheer instinct
Requiring RNG makes this EE HELL if you’re soloing with normal gums
Bout to end my game cause I’m max level and want that million XP for completing the egg 😭
5:45 did you just assume the gender of the body that appeared?
Keep in mind you’ll need the lil arnies and apothicon servant so start spinning the box
0:00 intro
0:32 Tombstones
0:50 corruption engines
1:14 keeper gemstone locations
1:26 keeper head locations
1:40 keeper flag locations
2:05 apothicon servant upgrade
2:53 keeper ritual (don’t forget to grab the disc and place in Nacht)
4:01 lil arnie step (don’t forget to grab the disc and place in kino)
4:55 bone step (don’t forget to grab the disc and place in origins)
5:53 laser/sophia step
6:16 egg step
7:58 gateworm locations
8:50 boss fight #1
9:55 summoning key step
10:28 boss fight #2
Idk who will still needs this but I wanted timestamps so I made them myself and thought I’d share. Hopefully this makes it easier for someone to find what they need mid game or if they only forgot one step.
No matter how hard I try I just can’t do the fkn boss fight
I have thrown the summoning key at every location and I can't teleport to the final boss fight is there any way to be able to teleport? Is it a bug that I can't teleport after throwing the summoning key at all locations?
Just starting to learn this. Gobblemaxxing so at round 2 with one zombie left. Have power on, upgraded apothican, lil arnies, shield and all summoner parts,(+riftE9 and haymaker) but everything after that seems over whelming
2:10 for upgraded apothicon
5:00 for bones
6:40 egg locations
This is probably the most complex easter egg out there
dude i lost the summoning key because you said it too late dawg
Great guide, I just can’t seem to get past the bones step any tips 😢?
Codnamepizza: and you will get TwEnTy tHoUsAnD XP
Also codenamepizza: if you have never done this you will get a million XP which is crazy
background song?????
Why do i have to shoot the tombstones? I can activate the corruption engines even without the tombstones
Do you know how much better guides are when they give you a path to follow? On the bones step it would be really nice to know where you walked to find that instead of you just being there and saying “over there”
When you’re in the boss fight don’t bring self medication. The keepers don’t count as kills so it won’t revive you.
In all reality this guide sucks barely any information on some of these steps I’m going to milo
What happened to this series pizza??
how do you survive long enough to do this 😭😂
Anyone tryna help me complete this EE for my first time on xbox that has already done it? Thanks
Great Guide!!
Thanks man me and my friend did it in an hour and a half!
I hit the mystery box 50 times and I didn't get the apothicon servant I have never wanted to punch a game so badly than today
Ugh this is hard to do
Whats the song in the background tho
Just beat it for the first time last night
That is an incredibly over complicated map
i can activate the corruption engines without shooting the tombstones….
I was doing the EE, and i got disconnected from servers halfway through, i was so pissed until I saw my gums were still there😭
just did this for the first time, its august 2023, finally did all bo3 easter eggs
I was doing the li arine thing and I reached round hundred just by doing this 😂
do you need the der eisendrache to do this easter egg?
finally beat all bo3 easter eggs
Me and the boyz just completed the ee last night. It was much better compared to the gorod korovi ee.