Are the new Hateforged Blazecycle and Felreaver Deathcycle Mounts coming in Patch 11.0.5 only available to N.A/US through the new WoW x Mountain Dew promotion and in game rewards!
New WoW Promotion Likely Coming – WoW x Mountain Dew Rewards for 20th Anniversary:
Its only in the US, cause americans are dumb enough, to buy tons of these overprised shitty drinks, to get a free mount 😀
like the moint hate the drink..
god i hate mtdew. worst soda tast ever.
Only if it comes in Zero Sugar options. I'm not eating sugar anymore.
The 50 united states, Columbia and Guam? Since when is Columbia and Guam included in anything like this and not Canada? Sounds absolutely ridiculous if you ask me. Plus I was under the impression that all the 20th anniversary event items were able to be gotten by the in game currency for the event. Does not sound proper to be excluding an entire section of wow players just because they live in Europe or play on European realms.
Blizzard somehow still forgetting, that Europe is not only Italy and spain.. there are tons of players too. Its shame they are focusing only on EU
would be nice if blizzard could make some promotions reach over to australia..
Is Boby back? cause it seems they are doing more stupid choices lately
No green apple MTN dew colors? Lame
I hope the rewards you get by the codes are like with the overwatch 2 and arizona tea where you only get older things for free (without using coins in game)
Dumbest idea for a mount they’ve done.
Wtf cares about motorcycle mounts in the first place
Ohhh boy points to boost sales to get the code….hate this
EU I’m taking orders for my dew cases!
i hope that this doesnt end up true, because while i may not be affected by the exclusivity, i can empathize with how bad that would feel. really hope that EVERYBODY can grab themselves a Hog, with nobody getting left out. save for the haters who arent playing, that is. lol
I kinda find this racist
This no different than putting the mount on the store for $25, the same old BS as always with Blizz
This is just a different spin on the last time they did this. The last items were the little bots. They used code red or code blue Mtn Dew. You can still buy the fuel from old Dal from the toy maker .
The cash shop has probably not been great for the overall health of the game, but at least your giving Blizzard money for Blizzard products. Having to give a third party company money to get a Blizzard promotional item feels really slimy.
Sucks for eu. Could just play on us servers, but meh. Also most plays on us servers soooo….
Unique mount model behind a region lock gg blizz expected nothing less
Spend 100$ on soda for garbage mounts
Fu very much Shizzard.
CITRUS (cee-trus) not (sai-trus)
It’s ok, the rest of the world can get their feelings checked for free.
If they do this, it will be so awful
I don't drink soft drinks very often anymore, but when rewards are added even less. However I may do so just to give codes out depends how I am financially. Sodas a luxury for me
EU don't want to buy cancer drinks just put them on the ingame store like all the other cool mounts