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Outlaw Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Assassination Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Subtlety Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Much needed and obvious changes (:
did you wear a warglave of azzinoth on a monk?!
i'm getting ready to enjoy 11.0.5, it's gonna be a fun time leveling extra fast and gearing up at a frenetic pace thanks to Delves. like it will feel great having all my toons at max level with 590 ilvl Minimum.
Love the tmog! Can you post info on it in chat please? ❤️
Blizzard needs to provide updates to the base game UI and stop expecting people to get that through addons. Give us Blizzard quality class specific UIs, display CDs, and Buffs onscreen. There's so much they can do, but just don't. Give us cool cast animations, spell effect animations, weapon type animations, and cool cosmetics already. One that bothers me is that when you attack something and get procs of an ability, there is only one animation that spams rather than a set of 2-3 that cycles through. You can achieve so much class identity through visuals and cosmetics without unnecessary player power. This is the Quality of Life I'd love to see in the game.
I'm digging the retroactive quest appearence rewards. I hate having to grind out that silly quest chain with the peacekeeper in Dornogal just to get the arathi armor belt appearance for the armor type, lol.
80% of players never do normal raids or harder.
Blizard ignores this fact.
Still no elite dragonflight ensembles smh
Will horde and alliance be able to queue together for dungeons?
A big deal for me.
uploaded just in time for us to watch while we wait for servers lol 😀 genious
Lately, every single "informative" video you make is 80% useless speech to fill out the time.
First 🎉