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The War Withins LARGEST Patch Is Changing Everything About How We Play

Okay the war within his first or major patch will pretty much change everything.
absolutely massive class changes pretty much across the board, hero talent tree reworks, The 20th anniversary event With its own event area Near the caverns of time, mini games, Tons of rewards to collect like the brand new updated tier 2 armor sets, Ways to earn some powerful gear and valor stones, Six brand new world bosses active All at once, New Classic time walking dungeons for the dead mines And Dire maul alike, And even BlackRock Depths officially becoming a raid for normal and heroic difficulty to drop some really juicy loot. Today we’re going to be breaking down the war withins first major 0.5 patch coming out in just a few weeks,Most of the changes coming with it and how to earn all of these rewards.


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00:00 – Intro
00:38 – Rep and Experience Gains
01:50 – Tier Set Rewards
03:08 – Earning Coins / Events
04:07 – Weekly Quests
05:08 – New Raid / Features
06:32 – Paladin Class Changes
07:22 – Boomkin Class Changes
08:39 – Rogue Class Changes
10:21 – Hunter Class Changes
11:35 – Mage Class Changes
11:57 – Shaman Class Changes
14:14 – Druid/ Monk Class Changes

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  1. Heey make paladin eazier but dont even think about feral , you killing my feral … It feels soooo boring compare to other classes so guess its time to leave my feral …m thanks Blizzard 🤣 and also make Hunter easier gg 🤣

  2. Really glad they adjusted dark ranger instead of Sentinel. Genuinely the most boring hero talent tree I've played so far with. I'm sure it's fine and a sign of good design when top to bottom everything is passives

  3. Hmm for a 20 years wow Event, that’s pretty poor… Ngl as someone who played since tbc – I am so disappointed.. A new season for classic would be nice. M+ for some classic dungeons. Old raid tier content up to mythic for more esport content. And we need something to do in tww. At the moment there really nothing to do. 😂 Give us hybrid classes for example – or what I want is RETAIL Fresh!!! A new start, with way lower experience gains – High risk pvp

  4. Sorry but why dont paladins get their buffs back? We got it back not so long ago and they took it again? Literally the most iconic buff of the game. We need to bring back the importance of buffs and not take away every single one and make it passive… I will never forget how happy I was during leveling when I got a random priest or paladin buff because mobs went down waaay esier. I hope in the future a WOW 2 will come out that would restart the whole game back to the classic leveling feeling but with retail endgame.

  5. dude this kind of video is like 1000 times about this , u guys cant do nothing but copy paste , and for wow the uppdate from skill trees and balances is rly bad , eatch week u play a diferent version of your character its starting to be stupid , for the content is not so mutch in TWW to make ppl wait for another raid and another instance is a money grab ….. And this annivercery STOP promothing something that is mounts and weeks away , one week befor wold be more usefull

  6. That change to Thistle Tea & Slice and Dice are very welcome. Not having to worry about those could make things like higher tier delves much less stressful for me as one of the things I'm struggling with on my assassination spec is energy on long fights.

    I suspect that is because I am not using Thistle Tea correctly and I'm struggling with S&D, wasting valuable energy and combo points by refreshing it when I don't have to and/or by forgetting about it entirely, thus creating my own no win situation.

  7. This expansion has so many buttons it's like they want you to mouse click instead of using the keyboard. I mean, 1, 2, 3, 4 then F, C, Q, E and ALT 1, ALT 2, ALT 3, then we have 3 things set to mouse side buttons and it is still not enough. WTF. Honestly makes me wanna quit wow again. Gave it a chance after 10 years and I get this bloated and unfun mess.

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