Aurora.exe on the PBE Server
Hope you enjoy the Aurora lol.exe, she seems really fun at first glance.
And why the hell can you pause in Quickplay on PBE??? RIOT!
Your ideas for the next videos in the comments please! 🙂
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Aurora seems really fun, have to try her out again with good ping on the live server tho. 😛
Your ideas for the next videos in the comments please!
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Day 42 Asking for pubes
Aurora roubada amei😅❤❤❤
Im a Briar main come on man. We're not all goons. Briar has bad disengage potential, so you gotta pick who you attack and avoid being around turrets.
whats the song?
Looks boring
Aurora jgl and onhit Aurora with nashors and guinsoos. U could also combine them to 1 vid onhit Aurora jgl
now when ur mom gonna say "PAUSE THE GAME !" the "i'm playing online" not going to work anymore lol xD UU PAAUSE THE GAME !!!!
Crit Viktor #46
What the name of the song when start the queue screen?
fullcrit fiddlesticks again ?
permaban the playboy thing
increíble video!! no pare de reir jajaj La voz de Peko es fundamental para este personaje.
god i felt like leon’s scream you added from dbd was like my sleeper agent password, also otz.. good taste
CAL видос,Спасибо что сделал
Mit dem Mann sitze ich gerade in der Kneipe ❤
Dabuin … please 5 min? 😢
The Holo lines were classics
1:13 as briar main, yes we are
why is there a random tarnished death groan lol 0:45
how many jojo references do you want
Dabuin: yes
I hate how generic this champ is. 6+ years in development and this is what they shit out? Ain't no way this champ took more than a year to develop. Guarantee they put more effort trying to tie in "le autism" than actually making an interesting kit to play.
I require a 2 hour video 😪💔
Hey dabuin how many jojo memes do you gonna put in a video
0:08 song name?
This guy plays in OCE and still struggles….
ive had that crazy high ping issue before, where it fluctuates wildly by tens at a time instead of 1 or 2.
if i'm not mistaken, you need to clear download cache to fix it either in client or windows tempfiles in general.
Playing on PBE is something special.
Boring champ 🙁
Aurora Yoshikage
looking forward to all the Yone and Akali mains bitching about how they let a mana character have 1% of the bullshit manaless characters get away with
Is it wrong that out of all the other releases someone who is literally a AP Vayne seems like the least problematic? No "unique" gimmick that can cause the whole game to shut down, just dashes, an invis and 3 hit passive
"Oh she's so fucking cute", becoming "OH SHIT SHE'S PACKING HEAT" should not be such a surprise with anime esk girls…all of them are little monsters under that cute look. But it still funny as hell.
Dear Dabuin,
Pantheon AP.exe in July?
Hace a nice week. 😉
like every time i see a jojo