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Aurora.exe on the PBE Server
Hope you enjoy the Aurora lol.exe, she seems really fun at first glance.
And why the hell can you pause in Quickplay on PBE??? RIOT!
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  1. I hate how generic this champ is. 6+ years in development and this is what they shit out? Ain't no way this champ took more than a year to develop. Guarantee they put more effort trying to tie in "le autism" than actually making an interesting kit to play.

  2. ive had that crazy high ping issue before, where it fluctuates wildly by tens at a time instead of 1 or 2.
    if i'm not mistaken, you need to clear download cache to fix it either in client or windows tempfiles in general.

  3. "Oh she's so fucking cute", becoming "OH SHIT SHE'S PACKING HEAT" should not be such a surprise with anime esk girls…all of them are little monsters under that cute look. But it still funny as hell.

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