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Blizzard’s Wins and Losses This Week, Anniversary Rewards Explained – Warcraft Weekly

We pick apart the 25th Anniversary rewards and how quickly we can obtain the special Tier 2 ensembles, and go over some quality of life “balances” from Badges to Zekvir and more!

Swag stuff
Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific

0:00 Intro
0:37 Tinderbox fix
1:35 How the raid soft nerf works
3:07 Crest and Xal’atath affix changes
5:02 Zekvir credit nerf
6:49 Timewalking badge nerf
10:13 Anniversary rewards examination

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  1. Really liked this slower more audio focused format. It makes it an easier listen in the background while doing other things and I could still comprehend and retain all the information well.

  2. The new format rocks. It makes it much easier for me to absorb the content and evaluate how it affects me if at all. Your voice was fine, and I hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. Good on Blizz responding to feedback, and making efforts to keep it balanced.

    I just hate how toxic pugging is in general. They want to do some obscure strat after a smooth run so far? Better not ask, or you're going to get kicked immediately because "This isn't a progression group". People in keys are no better… It's frustrating, not having a guild or dedicated group. Not to mention that RNGsus seems to hate me, because I've lost basically every roll in raids, and I get gold EVERY m+ key.

  4. I’m just not excited for the anniversary event. Weeks long grind for new versions of old sets most of which I’m not keen on anyway. I realised recently that the last carrot of transmog to make me grind no longer has meaning for me. I dropped ilvl chasing, then pets and mounts a long time ago. I have my fave sets that I wear on each of my characters. When I get a new bit of transmog I may wear it for a week or so and then I’m back to my fave set. You know I think I’m finally done. Maybe I’ll just sit in Hallowfall and enjoy the scenery whilst listening to podcasts 😊.

  5. Very refreshing to hear a content creator say "Don't worry about stuff, you'll get it eventually whatever" instead of rush rush rush, you're a failure if you don't get everything in the first hour.

    Thank you. ❤

  6. Warcraft: ok you dont have to farm the same rep over and over and over again. and no 2 characters wont make it go twice as fast. Players: what about 20 alts….? ARRGH life is so unfair! Other players: i like getting rep on alts. positive reinforcement and stuff. life is so unfair… and me going thank Elune i can stop playing my human mage with literally all the rep and achievements on a class that sucks to solo on.

  7. I wish the quality designation actially made sense for the crafting bits. Loving having to spend premium prices on white occasional drop reagents like we had to as a lw in bfa.

  8. As usual, the quest for gear in the new expansion totally outweighs the Lore of the game, which has been lost. The latest "Bright and Shiny" acquisition is quickly forgotten as the dopamine level drops off. I have played since 2006, and have seen this time and again. The devs have cast aside the lore and story for a pay to play system. It's. Just. Not. Interesting. Anymore. I refuse to buy into a whole new system of currency, checks and balances, and instead concentrate on quality of life items from past expansions. You know, "fun stuff". The quest for gear for getting it's sake bores me. I shall remain at level 70 on all of my alts until farming the past expansions for toys, pets, mounts is no longer fun. By then, Blizzard will be no more or they will be giving away the latest ex-pac as a gimmie. All that being said, enjoy the game as you will, and Soul, nice new format. As always, enjoy your channel. Namaste.👍

  9. It's absolutely hilarious that you bring up the word "trust" after the guild bank fiasco. That’s like asking a thief to hold your wallet while you go for a swim. But hey, aside from that, solid video as always—your content really helps me see their design choices in a new light. Unfortunately, my empathy tank is running on fumes at this point.

    On the topic at hand, I get it: reward amounts need adjusting when stuff goes account-bound. Makes sense. But doing it after several Timewalking events while the Warbound system has been live? What kind of cosmic joke is that? There are players stockpiling badges like they're preparing for the apocalypse! And let’s face it, these badges are good for nothing but shiny outfits—no power-ups, no game-changers.

    But as is the Blizzard playbook:

    1. Start strong.
    2. Crank up the hype.
    3. Boost those sub numbers.
    4. Suddenly ghost us.
    5. Finally, when the expansion’s on life support, sheepishly admit, "Yeah, we probably should've communicated better… next time, we swear!"

    And then, rinse and repeat for the next expansion. Yeah, I know it’s a bit of a jaded take, but hey, opinions are like guild banks—everyone’s got one, but nobody trusts them anymore!

  10. This new format is way better imo, far more collected and stable.

    As far as timewalking goes, am i sad about the reward nerf? Yes, do i truly care about it? Not really, i wanted the badges to be transferable warbands gave me that so im happy with the currency, only thing i want now is more then 6 dungeons per expansion timewalking pool, and more then ine raid. Personally i’d take ICC over ulduar, any day of the week for wrath timewalking.

  11. The second group you spoke about the CompletionistS, i’m not really sure what to say about these type of people. I feel like the issue is with themselves because no game/mode will ever be satisfying. Because if it was too difficult, they would complain. It was over tuned. If it was doable for them in the first go around, they would complain. It was too easy. at some point, you have to ask yourself what am I really playing this game for? If you’re looking for a little fun, maybe play with some other people and have a good experience in your leisure time than I think that is the better take. If you’re looking for this or any game to validate your life by overcoming challenges within, then I feel like you need to do some soul-searching and look elsewhere, like maybe channel that energy into some actual real life activities.

    And before somebody pipes up with, oh what if you are a paraplegic or some other extreme nonsense argument to that I say even taking a breath every day in the real world while you’re still alive is a greater reward and accomplishment than any moment you spend within a game.

  12. Why community is the reason why we’re having these issues if you want to run and plus you have to be already able to run the most high-level and plus if you want to run raid, you have to be geared out to the teeth and or pay millions of gold out or you don’t get the raid these add-ons don’t help with it raider iOS and all those things telling you how good I am just cause of the gear I have They come out with a solo experience for people who don’t have a lot of time and or people who want good gear, but don’t have the opportunity to raid or run plus cause their gears. I good enough to get the gear to be good enough we have pushback from the top telling us that. Oh it’s too easy maybe gatekeeping every aspect of this game let people just play how they wanna play get rid of the add-ons and if someone sucks kick him out, but don’t let the gear and what not dictate these things and definitely don’t kill everything else that comes out in order to make sure that you only have the best and you have them out and you have the gear and you are the best because you happen to be in a guild that allows you to even get to the gear level that you’re at, it’s ridiculous

  13. The problem is that with Plunderstorm and Remix people HATED grinding for cosmetics yet Blizzard refuses to understand this simple concept. In both occasions they caused a lot people to get mad and then allowed to get the rewards faster even after few days. I mean it's should be a celebration, not a slogfest to get some old armors sets but HD (so they are not even original)

  14. I think the more you do something ie delves, the less of them you should have to do over time to increase your vault. Or have it be based on ilvl. Something, but filling your vault to grab one item takes too long.

  15. I get sick of people complaining that some new feature "feels required" because it offers good gear to people that aren't interested in raiding or M+. Nothing in this game is required. Hell, even the subscription fee is optional if you farm enough gold. People just need to have something to whine about.

  16. Grinding event currency is bad, especially during time-limited periods.

    Defending TW badge nerf because "Consequences" or some strawman rational is pathetic. FIGHT for Quality of Life. Some changes are warranted, others are not. Don't blanket defend these changes. Timewalking is a bad change and anti-player.

  17. The problem with raids is that if I dont get extremely extremely lucky the gear I want has to drop and then I have to win an almost impossible roll then I dont get gear. Gearing is all luck and has nothing to do with skill. If I dont get lucky the vault or extra lucky in the raid, I cant get gear. If I cant get gear I dont get invited to anything. Because the game is EXTREAMELY unballanced and I play a Druid, I might as well quit.

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