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Call of Duty: Mobile is a free-to-play first-person shooter game developed by Tencent Games and published by Activision. Being developed for mobile platforms, this game brings together the maps, weapons, and characters from across the Call of Duty series in the definitive first-person action experience on mobile.
#codmobilegrenade #codm #codmobile call of duty mobile cod mobile call of duty mobile battle royale call of duty mobile live
What map do you all want next?
that mid tower one is clutch against campers
Wow, that's a great content
Revive these series bro 🔥
Best tutorial 💯🤩
for the first nade u can just stand to the right side of the tree, look up and throw that bad boy towards the middle of the leaf
Anyone know that music name ?
i we all do this calculations,
we would ruin the whole game
and , think of trophy system also😂
btw enjoyed your vid.
Bro when you are throwing grenades the line comes how to turn on it tell
This video is awesome cuz of the quality
Great video man. The name of the first song is "currents" by mhern
tip when someone throws a grenade a new button onscreen pops up which alows u to rethrow the grenade
Is this patched?
the only thing I need is to memorize them
Players: Laughs in Thermite Molotov, Grenade and Combat Axe
Laughs in Trophy System
Hello fellow csgo players
how did u hold the granade??
You know shits about to go down when your friend takes out the ruler
Ngl, those cinematics you made with the spectator cam actually looks better that what's in the game, another representation of fans doing a better job the the developers
too bad enemy rushing
Now to memorize this
very useful and well informed.
Can you put the link of the music you use for every video Jokesta?
They're so good 🙂
Oh… Supergeneral nadeking (csgo) style ^^
Nuketown please
0:44 music please?
can someone tell me the name of the first song, please?
If u can't do all these…carry on with TRIPMINE