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The #1 THING YOU can do to IMPROVE – League of Legends

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  1. 3:00 u completely disregarded chat, vi was pinged missing and u were told to retreat smh, this video is literally the most braindead way to "improve" its just being map aware and not over extending your lane

  2. I returned to LoL after 5 years, and people are so toxic. In my first few games back, I've had people following me around and taking cs, or inting my lane because of the tiniest thing or missplay, and this isn't even ranked.

  3. I just started Lol 3 weeks ago many friends play this and I like this game tried every lane like mid the best still never played ranked as Im not lvl 30 but Its hard as someone who doesnt know anything to get better fast for example I dont know most champs so I do many mistakes cause I dont know what they can do its frustating sometimes

  4. the best tip i can give you. Use Hotkey A + Leftclick to auto attack the nearest enemys. Its so much safer and faster to kill people with Autoattacks instead of having to click on them every time

  5. Although this was a fun lecture, the mistakes you're taking about were neglectible, the loss wasn't on your account for the most part. I guess the moral of the story is "git gud, so you can climb, scrub" thanks SkillCapped. Back to ritalin and midnight ranking it is…

  6. This guy has the correct mindset. He aims to improve, not win. And ranting about game balance isn't immature. It's healthy to let out the frustration at times, and sometimes the rant is warranted

  7. This video was garbage. The dude literally blamed his shitty team, then goes on several times to say Riot made shitty choices with champions he's fighting against and mechanics in the game that he doesn't like. This 'pro smurf' is a huge tool.

  8. The real issue with guides for league is they they rarely go in depth about the terms you’ll need to know and understand. Like gank and how to determine if a champ is what lane. Because there are SO MANNY THINGS that this game doesn’t explain at all. The most obvious being that there aren’t character classes. You just have to know by keeping up with media outside of the game like guides.

    People who have been playing for 10 years like you… would have watched different beginner guides that were ACTUALLY beginner guides.

    Every beginner guide i’ve seen for this game is information overload…

  9. Well I'm not hater but. You saying that you smurfing but from your reply it's seems like you are mad gold going to bronze. Specially because of that situation with jhin. You should know to don't start a fight with jump. Or with that how you throw this game by taking pointless fight 1v2 just because you can

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