Captions are auto-generated, may not be 100% accurate!
WoW Beginner plays WoW. Haven’t played for months and the only real WoW experience was way back in WoD. Thought I’d give making a video a go and see how things go!
#wow #noob #wownoob #wowbeginner #worldofwarcraft #worldofwarcraft noob
#worldofwarcraftbeginner #beginnerplays #noobplays #xbox #playstation #Nintendo
#PC #PCgame #PCgamer #mmo #mmorpg #mmobeginner #mmorpgbeginner
#FPS #Horror #Action #adventure #firstperson #thirdperson #fantasy #online
#onlinegame #multiplayer #multiplayer #AAAgame #AAAgames #caption #blizzard #blizz #newvideo #newvlog #steam #pcgamers #pcmasterrace #fantasygame #highfantasygame #cam #facecam #warcraft #newvideo #firstvlog #firstvideo
So far, liking the editing and humour 😀 Your potential is very clear to say the least :3
Surprised about how much has changed too, especially the beautiful views. But didnt even know there was fall damage…
Plus, your character doing BIG numbers of damage being underleveled certainly sounds like WoW atleast 😀
Hope to see you more 😀