Patch 11.0.5 is finally here and as always the big question is, did my class just get buffed? or did I just take a massive Nerf? this patch we got some big changes to every single class in the war within, and today we’re diving into the hard crunch numbers by some of the best of the best. The authors of every single class guide have gathered information on exactly how much each spec improved, through theory crafting and Sims.
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00:00 – Intro
00:48 – Death Knight
02:16 – Demon Hunter
02:54 – Druid
05:14 – Evoker
06:18 – Hunter
07:38 – Mage
09:10 – Monk
10:38 – Paladin
12:35 – Priest
13:31 – Rogue
15:12 – Shaman
16:19 – Warlock
17:05 – Warrior
17:53 – Thank You All!!!
What they are doing to Priest and Warlocks is straight criminal. —- Completely ignoring them…. like you said DKs have been overperforming S+ Tier and they get….. Buffs — What the actual hell?
Blood DK forever! Nerfed or buffed
Why can’t they just update the graphics on DK, ESPECIALLY BLOOOOOODDDDDD
"hotdog water" lol. That's a keeper. Great vid!
Arcane nerfed btw get up to date ppl! (Referring to the comment section the video cant change sadly of course)
Feral druid.. one of the worst dps. Still hitting 1.4M overall ty
Lets wait 2 Weeks, i see a big Blizz hotfix 😂
I feel like MM doesn't need damage as much as it needs some utility and defense. But dark ranger MM is finally not a meme so that's good.
I am going to assume that you haven't actually tried Dark Ranger since the changes – it's horrid and dropped way off the chart due to the change to Black Arrow. Graphically? It looks amazing – damage wise? It's far underperforming in raid and M+ compared to its previous iteration.
i remember on the beginning of the TWW everyone saying balance druid F tier. Boom S+ tier boomy. now i see balance druid in thumbnail i dont even wanna watch video.
"We got changes in every single class"
Laughs in havoc demon hunter
It amazes me that DH continue to be ignored by the devs
Mage and DK got nerfed.
Come on guys bring the "next patch gonna fix it" up
So from what I’ve been able to look up Frost and Arcane are S class and getting buffed.
Ret is apparently a B class and getting nerfed, how does that make any sense
Mages just got nerfed with a hotfix though, specifically Arcane mages.
I think ppl dont understand that every specc is capable of doing +10 easily with more gearscore and good playing. And what do you want more ?? +10 is literally the cap in getting best gear. And as the gearscore rises +11 and +12 gets easier too. Just play what makes you the Most fun.
Idk where you're getting your information from. Warlocks are usually up on the dps meters next to arcane mages.. idk I'd you actually play the game or not but you don't seem to have all your du as in a row lol
Yep this is the end for me, time to quit again. Gl Blizzard…
For whoever has, more will be given to him, and he will have more than enough; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
Nah outlaw is about to be top dog. It’s felt so consistent, crack shot is destroying people and killing spree feels really strong for finishing or getting someone into killing range. I am beyond loving outlaw 🥰
The Emos(DKs), Lizard People or Furries(Draktyrs), Extremists(Paladins) are so happy right now.
And dont Blizzard have game testers for these problems. I'm beginning to think the subscribers are their game testers. Instead of paying to hire game testers, they actually get people to pay them to reat their games. 😂 Genius or just plain dumb on the subscibers.
The biggest problem within the wow community today is everyone relies too much on sims. Everyone also waits for someone else to hold their hands.
This game used to be fun when people would make their own specs and played to their skillset.
Damn… According to my sims my ret paly was nerfed by 15% not buffed by 5% or whatever
They put in a last minute hot fix so arcane mage and frost dk didn’t get that buff. There’s an article on Wowhead about it.
They’re both still extremely good though
Blizzard spent all of that time on Dark Ranger and yet, on release, no one that is competitive will play Dark Ranger. All flash and NO BANG! Hopefully blizzard executes a numbers pass and addresses the short comings.
Gonna have to main prot now. God dammit.
Well good news if you're a PVP Paladin. That class tree re-work is HORRID.
Its crazy that fire is anywhere near the top, its literal dog poo. Who is fixing these ratings to put them at the top? Frost is great in raiding, not sure what this kid is talking about.
As a lock main, do i just try to play the game like i normally do and hope I'm adequate enough to get picked up in mythic? Or do i have to adjust to the meta and say fuck the progress I've already sank so much time into and create another character? Both options are shit. There are only so many hours in a week that I'm not slaving my life away…
I always find it hilarious about the min maxing, because it's usually only at most 5%.
Literally none of these losers are top tier themselves to be min maxing like this. More so since many of these "top specs" are played by failures who don't even know how to play and only get in groups and get gear because they are "meta."
the whole reason blood dks are brought so much in raid is because you NEED gorefiend's grasp for broodtwister
U guys got 0 clue what you are talking about straight up ignoring nerfs which have been in the patchnotes for multiple weeks by now. What a trash content.
It's not a balance patch. It's population control patch
In other words, nerf the class that's doing worse and buff the meta class further. Nice blizz
Quit retail and went to sod, and as a warlock main I may never come back lol