Hi everyone! In today’s video, I will rank all the new updated T2 sets!
00:00 – Intro
00:37 – Druid
02:02 – Hunter
03:09 – Mage
04:18 – Paladin
05:38 – Priest
06:47 – Rogue
07:57 – Shaman
08:50 – Warlock
10:04 – Warrior
11:31 – Death-Knight
12:26 – Demon-Hunter
13:24 – Evoker
14:11 – Monk
15:26 – Conclusions
Classic bloodfang❤
they should do this for t3 too
I would put mage higher up maybe above Hunter or at S tier but otherwise the list is really good
bros tierlist is burnt
hunter is way too high, colour scheme is atrocious imo
Dk is the closest to an arthas style set we may ever get other than mythic nighthold
I would kill for the updated model of hunter t2 on the black/white version from kara, it would be really cool to add recolors of these updated sets to the trading post.
Monk and Pally
my question is where is the second color that monk had which we saw the orange version or yellow forgot the color. also hate that we are time gated for collecting bronze i have 30 bronze and have only one more weekly and ill be stuck now till next week to get the next 30 bronze.
Paladin and DKs are in their own tier.
I like the old pally set more or im a crazy lol
Think warlock is my fav tbh even if I'm not a wl main
Warrior reminds me of that axe monster from Dexter laboratory
I am getting the hunter set and will wear it for the whole anniversary + Shadowlands title! Let's goo!!
Great ranking, agree on almost everything except the hunter and Mage, swapping positions fits my opinion. But I understand every point you made. Great video as always!
DH hasn't had a good set since Legion lol
That monk set is awesome. i'm going to roll my first monk after I unlock this set lol
Paladin and Monk S+ tier
DH F- tier is something EVERYONE can agree on
This was a good one
I love the updates i just wish they would get away from making armor so flat 2 dimensional i have mained druid for so long and lover the set but the chest is just so flat
I would swap mage and hunter but otherwise I totally agree
Paladin, warrior, mage, druid, priest, monk. After that hunter, shaman, dk, lock, evoker. Rogue and DH are just bad.
I would of put the lock set at the top with the pally and monk but I agree with the rest. Also u should of added the part in showing that priest,sham,pally and 1 or 2 others have an option for a normal chest rather than the dress model but other than that keep up the good work
Spot on list, bro. Totally agree on the ranking.
My Paladin: "Guess i will wear this forever huh?"
biased. downvoted.
As a rogue im sad to agree, it could have been better, less silver, more black red and some sharper armor pieces. I'll be going for the mage set, it looks so good!
Here to confirm that you correctly chose DK as the best.
Paladin HD Armor is my favorite one.
MY GOD Demon Hunter I couldn't do worse if I tried. (Z-)
if paladin set is s+ warrior set is s++++ 😅
DK is the best one