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The Arathi are making plays on the Isle of Dorn while goblins found what we believe is the rest of Beledar. We’re in for a crazy patch cycle.
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Man it's bugged
bet there'll be a civil war issue with the Arathi. Faerin backs us, Steelstrike is an empire loyalist who will enforce their agendas as a conquering entity. think Yrel.
Someone save me from wasting time. Did Bell comment on the drip feeding of bronze in the anniversary or is he keeping his shill hand strong?
I dont see the exiciting part of getting a patch every week, maybe cause they have something to talk about. TTW sucks
This Sacred flame faction looks like the Scarlet Crusade from Wish
The only really exciting stuff in WoW right now is if Blizzard is gonna continue their borderline criminal silence on the guild bank robbery they did.
So excited for Goblinflight
as a premium youtube customer I can not do anything else other than downvote a video that has sponosred ads in the middle of the video instead of at the end or beginningof the video. sorry but its the most annoying stuff ever. you guys really want us to install browser extensions like sponsorblock, dont you?!
Nothing bad has EVER happened when goblins are involved…
Taking a big airship base to the undermine
I’m really REALLY not looking forward to haven’t all my gear become outdated each patch. This is one reason I like classic wow over retail. Makes me quit each expansion after a few months
When does this patch drop?
After years of BS in game and company dramas… Finally something good is coming up! Man there is still much blizz has to do to redeem themselves but yep they are trying hard… at least that is the viewpoint of many many players..
Beledars are the five key/torches that will light the path of the void.
Really hope that an Undermine patch would have a Night City vibe in that the zone is almost entirely the city. Or Suramar. I guess I should have lead with that.
Sounds like a mega dungeon to me!
I am so ready for an Arathi/goblin raid. Let's get a Scarlett Monastery 2.0!
Most of the Warcraft folks spoiled every revel for war within. Youtube titles labled
Khadgar's deathand so on and so forth. Months before release. Yall need to stop this and add "Spoiler" titles and thumbnails. I was so excited then just didn't care cause i saw what happened thought thumbnails…Goblins vs Arathi is probably going to be alliance vs horde stuff.
goblin druids confirmed
But what about the sword?
"Sistainable"…more wokeness invading the game. Goblins pushing a sustainability agenda is just stupid. They've NEVER cared, and never should.
So if you make a 90 degree turn and travel about 1000 miles it basic points right at it. lol. I hope you are right and would also suggest not smoking the crack when you come up with your therories.
We can safely assume they are after kajamite as they even have a multiflavor kajacola machine, as an Easter egg in the goblin outpost.
I don't think we will visit the other side of the planet (arathi dudes) til 13.0 or 14.0 tbh. That sounds like a fresh lore/ fresh start after this saga.
Wasn't it confirmed that Beledar is the crystallised essence of Azeroth's world soul and that there are more ?
That would mean that the chance that the crystal on the new island is a different crystal is not so slim after all.
It would be a bit silly to pretend we couldn't see the top of beledar sticking out of the sea a comfortable swimming distance of kaz algar's shore
Goblin lore is very dear to my heart, so I'm existed to finally see the Goblin capital. I just hope that they don't do anything weird with it lorewise. Nazjatar comes to mind.
Why do you ALWAYS change the title of your videos a few hours after it goes on youtube, its kinda unprofessional
I wonder if the Light Emperor would tie in with the Lightbound somehow? Perhaps this is the origin story of the "evil" Lightbound Army, as the denizens of Azeroth desperately attempt to destroy the Void by any means possible, not aware of the imbalance they are creating towards the Light…
Who on earth writes all this lore drivel…. they have been dumping new lore ontop of lore ontop of lore for ages now… at some point it is just too much and we are well passed that point. 99% of players have no clue what is going on anymore.
Are you gonna talk about the guildbank issue
maybe they want to go home? like building the airship at the earthen harbour to get back to the empire ?
The new lore talked about many crystals like Belladar, are you sure that we are not getting more crystals?