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Outlaw Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Assassination Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Subtlety Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Click bait, zero time stamps, unsubbed
Bait click
Dude has turned into one of the worst types of YouTubers a clickbaiter. Nobody likes click bait DO BETTER or lose your viewers
Sorry but Mythic + sucks and way to gimmicky the Raid sucks , BRD is way over tuned for lvl 80 and buggy
Clickbait titles seem like a recurring theme with your vids lately. Personally, I don’t think that’s sustainable for you in the long run. Focus on good content and people will come/stay. Lure people with deceiving titles and people will leave
BRD is a hilarious overcooked disaster. Who actually tests this garbage? No mastery on gear and majorly overtuned damage sponges 😂
I love the idea of them dropping items that have additional effects like a mace that deals additional fire damage it makes it feel like your looting something special from the boss vs just another mace that has a higher level I wish they did it more with most bosses in the current expansion I know they do on a few
Click bait bullshit…downvote this man
Not fast
Click bait.
Wow they made it so warlock pet needs spawned again after u die. That's a huge nerf. Now ur pretty much forced to run that talent in bgs
Why does every you tuber say it easy to gear up no it's not mythic plus is garbage and that hiw u gear up/lvl up you gear via crests
Fast…. By doing mythic plus and the raid …
So not any different than usual.