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Ultimate War Within Alt Gearing Guide: Fresh 80 To iLvl 600+ In HOURS

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Get your alts geared up in absolute record time. A host of new systems cascade together to make The War Within the most alt friendly expansion in World of Warcraft history.

00:00 A Host of Changes
00:14 Collect Your Freebies!
01:29 Get Warband Gear
03:46 A Full 590 Starting Set
06:35 Big Weapon Time
07:59 Endgame Gear
09:44 Getting Tier Right
10:50 What You Can Do

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  1. I played the event yesterday. It was so much stuff, but so little content. I did not feel anything while encountering different Worldbosses or Dungeons from the past. It‘s just bland. No „Fun“ , no „interaction“ and no love.
    I closed the game

  2. Ah…another 'easy' guide to gear. Assuming you have the renown, access to the convoluted crests and renown, coupled with access to the awful crafting system or large amounts of gold.
    Not sure who this is aimed at, but not a filthy casual like me lol.

  3. Come on seriously? I don’t think the average player has anywhere close to that level of renown. Most people aren’t playing 20 to 30 hours a week. Maybe the people watching this channel close enough to participate in a survey do. But not the average player.

  4. Im going to call BS on the "average WoW player" being 1:04 roughly 17/18 across the board on faction rep.

    I play every day, have i619 gear, multiple alts, all professions maxed… and i KNOW there are a ton of people who play and do far less than i do… im not the mist efficient person and im far from the best… but im probably better off than "the average" WoW player (the average WoW player doesn't even do Mythic+).

    Im at Renown 13 across tne board.

    Once again, i don't claim to be the best at anything in WoW, but heck, the average WoW player probably has never even heard of Bellular. I just cant see the "average" being 18 across the board right now.

    My 2-cents.

  5. Damn, alt/main gearing has literally never been faster/easier and you still have people crying in the comments about how hard it is. I swear some people think they should just be gifted a full myth track set just for logging in

  6. I've been enjoying the new expansion quite a bit from a story perspective and casual gameplay perspective, but I have to admit that I just don't care about anything in this video even a little tiny bit. There are so many random arbitrary feeling hoops to jump through for gearing, I just want to play the game man

    My gear is what it is, at least I'm not literally working a second job worrying about all this crap

  7. I got to max lvl on my warband char and quit because I have no desire to track eighty currencies. Just make everything cost gold jfc. Valor stones, weathered nascent enchanted magic crests etc etc, that sounds so incredibly tedious just to say, let alone figuring out what to do to get which and what to do with them. Barf. Thanks for the guide and all but you lost me halfway through.

  8. My problem is that getting a bigger gear number isnt intresting. It doesnt change how I play ky class, it just makes it easier to kill certain things. Not saying it was better in classic, quite the contrary. Im fairly new to wow and I am starting to find things I do not enjoy. Thanks for the guide.

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