In the forgotten land of ice and snow, a diverse landscape filled with ancient cultures and histories reveals itself to the explorers of Northrend’s frigid surface… and underneath it. – Zul’Drak: Watching an Empire Fall by Jediwarlock – In the Footsteps of the Titans! by Jediwarlock – Mapping the Underworld of Azjol-Nerub! by Jediwarlock
Video Footage:
– Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft (2004-)
– Some images retrieved from Google Images.
Background Music:
– “Howling Fjord, ” “Zul’Drak,” “Grizzly Hills,” and “Riplash Ruins” from the WoW WotLK OST
#worldofwarcraft #classicwow #seasonofdiscovery
Outro Music:
– “Watch Me (Live)” by Greta Van Fleet
Jediwarlock 2024
What font did you use for your location title cards? I think it looks neat!
Also have you considered making similar videos for LoTR Online? I've never played it but I'd assume that it has some equally cool locations.
Amazing video as always. Thank you for showing us all those amazing places in wow.
Feel like the giant weather controlling titan built pillars in Sholazar Basin deserved a spot on this list.
Honestly, it’s a little bit of content like this and the videos that highlight them that have helped keep me playing wow for 20 years.
I love the quiet gravity you present with. It really leaves room for the imagination with the visuals and the nostalgia for the game/fantasy in general to ramp up. I think it's similar to why vanilla itself is great: there's enough there to feel like adventure and wonder is hinted at, but not enough that you rely on the media itself to create everything. It just makes me want to participate in wondering/dreaming up what other secrets might exist in WoW!
Somehow after 20 years of WoW you manage to make unique videos. GJ man!