► Check Out My Goldmaking Guide for The War Within: https://solheim.gumroad.com/l/goldguidetww
This Guide will help you maximize your profits in The War Within by showing you specific Profession Builds, Goldfarms, and various Goldmaking Secrets I’ve picked up from Alpha & Beta, aswell as years of making gold in World of Warcraft! The guide also comes with access to an exclusive goldmaking community, where I will share early access to videos, exclusive videos, aswell as dive deeper into goldmaking!
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Zygor is The ULTIMATE Addon For Retail WoW, and has Guides for Questing, Leveling, Goldmaking, Goldfarming, Achievement-Hunting, Reputations, you name it! This guide has pretty much everything and will definitely help you in your journeys through The War Within!
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The War Within is the new expansion for World of Warcraft, and it is my goal to help you in The War Within in any way that I can. Whether that be choosing a main for the war within, the war within goldmaking, the war within goldfarms, wow goldfarms, goldmaking secrets, any information I have will be shared in videos. I specialize in Goldmaking content and will therefore be covering a lot of The War Within Gold Aspects, such as Goldfarms, The War Within Professions and how to maximize your goldmaking potential from them, and so on.
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#worldofwarcraft #thewarwithin #wowgoldfarm
► Check Out My Goldmaking Guide for The War Within: https://solheim.gumroad.com/l/goldguidetww
► Get 20% off Zygor Guides with the code "SolheimTV" https://zygorguides.com/ref/SolheimTV/
90 is cute in canada its $134
It's a Joke. I have the money. But is it REALLY worth $90 to save a few mins here and there? No. Wouldn't it be awesome if they gave us a cool mount like this for, you know, subscribing to their game?
Why bli$$ would bring new good expansion when they can get 90$ for mount? Existing of it makes game worst… But sure pay and complain for bugs, bui, lags, grind…
Thank you mate, i just buy it 🙂
Im intrested to see what they going to sell next in the store with functional value, because this is going to sell good
This is more accessible both money-wise and time-wise compared to the 5 million gold mount. It actually makes fiscal sense for the average player.
The fastest transaction i ever made is all im gonna say. This offer is insanely good!
so are the money going to the balancing team? xD
It was 2m on BFA
Got my from tokens today on EU serwer 6x441k. You can buy it in inside game shop, but game request you to put password for confirmation. Smooth process, hardest part are tokens not all time in AH available.
Crying the whole vídeo, but buying it…. Youre part of the problem
I dont understand why the mount causes people to buy wow tokens? what does that have anything to do with it im confused
It's interesting the price point they went for, I recon selling it for half the price would have made them more money. Maybe I'm not allowing for the fomo that will come the first few days of the new year
Everyone that hated microtransactions cancer, say thank you to everyone buying this mount… they're giving birth to macro transactions cancer
As someone who owns the original Brutosaur, I don't really see this as a bad thing. The WoW token existed back then and still exists now, so ultimately, both mounts could be purchased with either money or gold—this one just happens to be cheaper. What I do care about, as someone who pays for my WoW subscription with gold, is that this change will likely make that much more expensive.
Came back to the game after a long while, was just about to have enough gold saved up for 4 tokens to buy TWW… Then this shit drops, tokens are up 50% and still rising, and I'm fucked. Thanks, Blizz.
Its not about the price of the mount ffs yall this dense its about blizzard giving us a buggy unfinished game and then selling a mount thats 30 bucks more then the expansion. Wow isnt wow anymore lost my sub along with my 7 mates.
Well the main city will be quiet as a grave
I have enough disposable income to buy 1000 or more of them but I'm not going to. I'd rather spend $90 on something tangible.
I bought 4 wow tokens with gold, and paid for the rest.
Im getting it ps most AAA games are $80 -$90 anyway.
I personally highly dislike the appearance of the mount. The original one was perfect. Why go and screw it up? Should've just given us it in a different color. Light blue? Purple? Shade of orange? Anything but this design. Price is a little ridiculous as well tbh.
Makes Diablo IV MTX seem cheap by comparison.