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Welcome to EA SPORTS FC™ MOBILE 24 | Market Guide

Make the most of the EA SPORTS FC™ Mobile Market with FinallyHeSleeps’ tutorial. Learn the ins and outs of the market to become a master!

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  1. Market is not free is under ea control, i have proofs. That is good for a group lawsuit against ea, people pay for purchases but market is not free. Is driven by a bot or some AI. You will pay EA. That is a promise ✌️

  2. Only pics and post is look and system all like dog pussy. Ea sports buy many game company does not it good game maker ,the mother fucker know how to make money only. We will ban this game in Malaysia,that workin process by gov. Once ban don't blame us . early alart warning don't spend money on this game.ince ban ,Ur money will not return. Remember what happen FIFA 24 mobile game.major update those spend money for last years all gone.this msg we will post all social media.please shareit

  3. Only pics and post is look and system all like dog pussy. Ea sports buy many game company does not it good game maker ,the mother fucker know how to make money only. We will ban this game in Malaysia,that workin process by gov. Once ban don't blame us . early alart warning don't spend money on this game.ince ban ,Ur money will not return. Remember what happen FIFA 24 mobile game.major update those spend money for last years all gone.this msg we will post all social media.please shareit

  4. This game is strait up trash. Simply a gambling game aimed at our youth. Teaching children to gamble (for fake money) at a young age so they can move up to the casino when they grow up. This game should be illegal like drugs. Literally stealing money and precious time from kids around the world. (I have been playing this game for 5 years and finally quit + should have never started) Don’t waste your time and money on this DEAD game, when the season ends you will realize how redundant and time wasting and worthless this game is. No matter how awesome your squad is and how high your rank is, it will all be worthless in a couple of months + reset every year. This game died 5-6 years ago. There is NOTHING fun and interesting about this game. Same boring events + still full of hackers + nothing new for years and extemeley predictable. No wonder everyone I know quit this game. I almost feel sorry for Antwan for promoting a dying/scam game aimed at addicted children. I am a 31 year old senior game developer btw. I hope your company goes bankrupt from all the time and money you stole from millions of users around the world (I’m not one of them). This game is even worse than actual real-life gambling because it has no fun, no return whatsoever. You kids are practically paying EA to make updates not to improve your game but to scam you even more. No hate, just stating facts because this game is literally poisoning and brainwashing our youth and future generations. I’ve played hundreds of games and never seen a strait up scam/gambling game like this. @ea @antwan @ea_jason

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