Today’s episode of Why No One Plays we have Nasus! 😀
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(0:00) – Introduction
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#Nasus #LoL #WhyNoOnePlays
Well Nasus is my main and you challenged me to rework him, so here's the result of 2 hours brainstorming.
Passive: Nasus gains stacks when killing enemies (essentially his q but he doesn't need to use an ability)
Every 6 seconds, Nasus's next basic attack does bonus physical damage equal to his stacks and heals him for 50% of the damage dealt
Q: Nasus cleaves enemies in an area in front of him, deals physical damage and ignores 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% of enemy armor
W: Nasus summons locusts which attack in a teardrop shape, with a wider hitbox near him and a narrower hitbox at a distance. Locusts deal damage to all enemies hit and stop at the first champion hit. That champion is slowed by 30-80%, increasing over the duration.
E: Nasus becomes sand, gaining untargetability and slowly dashing to a location. The dash has reasonably long range, a medium cooldown, and a very high mana cost.
R: Nasus gains bonus health and size, in a large area around him a sandstorm is summoned. Enemies caught in the sand storm are slowed by 10% and nearsighted. Nasus also reduces the cooldown on his passive attack to 2 seconds.
Obviously some of the numbers can be tweaked, and I'm missing exact cooldowns, but this is a solid outline of his kit.
The idea with this rework is to turn Nasus into a split pusher. A large part of his current appeal is farming and becoming powerful while ignoring his team, so Nasus mains like myself would probably enjoy a split push based playstyle more. In order to split push, Nasus needs an escape, thus the new E. His old E was good and all, but it was bland and didn't fit his kit super well. The untargetability on his new E also opens up a bit of outplay opportunities. The high mana cost but medium cooldown allows him to use this ability very effectively, but only if the Nasus player is good at managing mana. The new W becomes a powerful engage, disengage, and sticking tool, but requires skill to hit at a distance (mostly for the engage part). This should hit a good balance in between allowing skill expression but keeping Nasus a simple champion and prevent stat sticking by giving enemies a chance to avoid his slow so he can't chase them down. The New Q just gives Nasus some waveclear and the armor pen on it helps him fight top lane's tanks without the armor shred from his old E. Nasus's new passive is the special bit. I moved his old Q to the passive and combined it with the lifesteal so he still has some sustain but doesn't waste an ability slot on something as simple as his old Q. The old Q was just damage, you usually spammed it in fights and on minions anyways, so it does no harm to have it activated automatically for his passive. Finally his ult gives him sticking power and damage but can also slow people trying to chase him and even cause confusion with the nearsightedness. The Old R's damage aura was, again, bland. I've played loads of Nasus and I barely even notice it, it's just a bit of extra damage, but a slow (even a tiny 10% slow) and nearsightedness are actually cool. I know nearsighted can be an annoying effect, but if it's only on his ult it shouldn't be a problem.
TLDR: Give Nasus a dash and make him a dedicated split pusher
Well there it is. Perhaps I'm just biased, and I'm sure it could use some tweaking, but this should create a healthier playstyle for Nasus with healthier counterplay as well. It opens up more skill expression but keeps him simple and true to the fantasy of a scaling loner.
PS: He might need more armor and mr growth too, but I'm not gonna get into stats right now
just make his E scaling mare AP (at least 80-100%AP) and. let make E cooldown reduce 50% when use let that is enough (I only play Nasus for Ap bulld)
right now pro play Nasus mid but it's only because ADC meta and he perfectly counter Zeri with PaC Slow cripple and 50% armor shread😅
Probably has 2x to 3x more hard counters than any other champ. You can tweak him all you want and it won't make a difference really.
If Nasus ever gets reworked, I just really hope he keeps his Q mostly as it is. Boosted autoattacks which can hit turrets is something he is just so well known for and "DE CANE!" is iconic to him. It be like Gangpank losing his pistol or ult.
Everyone plays nasus… Dudes unstoppable late game lol
Glad no one plays nasus i hate this champ so much its just frustrating to play against him and u dont always have a vayne that can just handle the nasus
Genuinely every champion has a dash and every champion has cc. It’s so aids to play this champion. However it’s play style helps me focus on learning the game and playing top lane. He’s the best duelist in the game and it take zero skill to execute.
Nasus main (bronze 4) here, so I feel like I have a lot to offer. remove all true damage items from the game and also vayne. And also lulu, and also Camille, and also phase rush thanks
oh right so Nasus is my former main so here comes the rework that I have just recently come up with:
Passive: Nasus gains 60 bonus movement speed and 1%/17%/25% omnivamp (1% at lvl1, 17% at lvl 11, 25% at max lvl) [this is the first part of Nasus' "new" passive]. He is also permanently ghosted
Nasus has one item from the start of the game that is exclusive to Nasus, named the golden helm of the fallen empire(this item acts like Viktor's old hex core, so Nasus can't sell it to the shop). Nasus can upgrade this item three times, gaining bonus effects for his Q W and E. Upon being fully upgraded, his ultimate will automatically gain a bonus effect just like his Q W and E.
Q: target range: 200 (his attack range is 150), type of ability: basic attack empowerer, mana cost: 60 mana for all ranks, cooldown: 12/10/8/6/4, no cast time
Active: Nasus' next basic attack is empowered to deal bonus on-hit magic damage equal to 3%(+4% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health. If he manages to kill an enemy with his Q, he restores 15/20/35/40/80 mana and permanently gains 6 AP. If he kills an enemy champion, he gets 12/15/18/21/24 AP
BONUS EFFECT: Nasus attack range permanently increases to 200. When casting his Q, his attack range increases to 250. All of his abilities' cooldowns decrease by 50%
W: target range: 500, type of ability: single target point and click utility, mana cost: 80 mana for all ranks, cooldown 16/16/16/10/8, cast time: 0.5
Active: Nasus slows and cripples the targetted enemy by 35/60/70/80/99% for 5 seconds. If the enemy carried this debuff walks into his E, that enemy and other enemies standing on his E are stunned for 2 seconds and affected by the effect of his E instead
BONUS EFFECT: the stun is replaced by the airborne. This W can't be cleansed, and so can the airborne not be. Nasus' W can now be used on an ally's champion or cannon/super minion, gaining that ally's target 99% movement speed and 99% attack speed for 5 seconds. The target range goes up to 700
E: cast range: 700, type of ability: aoe damage-over-time free-target spell, mana cost: 80/90/100/110/120, cooldown 24/21/16/12/10, cast time: 0.5, effect radius: 500
Active: Nasus summons a circle, dealing 15/20/30/40/45(3% of Nasus' total ap) magic damage per tick every 0.25 seconds. This circle lasts for 10 seconds, slows all enemies for 50% for 10 seconds, reduces enemies' total magic resistance by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% for 10 seconds and reveals the enemies in that circle for 10 seconds
BONUS EFFECT: the cast range goes up to 900, the cast time reduces to 0, the effect radius increases to 650 and the mr reduction goes up to 20%/30%/40%/50%/60%
R: cast range: 0-500(500 with the BONUS EFFECT), type of ability: self buff -> self and allies buff, mana cost: 100mana, cooldown: 100/90/80, cast time: 0.2, effect radius: 400
Passive: Nasus gains 1 ap whenever he kills an enemy, gains 15 ap instead if he kills an epic monster.
Active: Nasus deals 20[+1%/1.5%/2%(+0.5% per 100 ap) of enemies' max health] magic damage every 0.5 seconds to nearby enemies, gains 300/400/500 (+10% of Nasus' total ap) bonus health, 50/60/70 (+10% of Nasus' total ap) bonus armor, 50/60/70 (+10% of Nasus' total ap) mr, 60% increased size, 60% tenacity and slow immune. Nasus R lasts for 10/20/30 seconds.
BONUS EFFECT: Nasus can use his R to buff an ally champion or cannon/super minion
The golden helm of the fallen empire:
+125 health
+250 mana
+10 armor
+10 magic resist
unique: This item can be only purchased by Nasus. Nasus can spend 1500 to upgrade this item, gaining BONUS EFFECT for his Q W E and bonus stats for his item. He can upgrade this item 3 times and upon being fully upgraded, the golden helm of the fallen empire will give him a total of 500 bonus health, 1000 bonus mana, 40 bonus armor, and 40 bonus mr. On top of that, Nasus R will automatically gain BONUS EFFECT
Nasus is a relic of an older time.
While i agree that he needs a rework. I dont think he needs a drastic change like aatrox or urgot have had.
His biggest issues are that he is often outran and ussually the biggest target of enemy crowd control.
He has plenty of survivability with the amount of lifesteal he has, and being a naturally tanky champ.
Change his E, to also give him movespeed towards affected champions.
Makes it easier to catch priority targets or chase retreating enemies.
And give his R a speed or tenacity boost while lowering the bonus health he gets. Or simple removing the bonus health altogether and giving him short term CC immunity during the first moments of the skill being casted.
Having other abilities scale with his stacks would also make it more interesting. Of course not in damage because that would be a bit too strong. But maybe giving his W more armor reduction scaling with stacks or R healing him equal to the amount of stacks.
Give him a skill shot W but much stroger, also make his E smaller but mire effective.
Problem solved. He is much stronger but only if u know how to play
Darius doesn’t out duel Nasus, not even close. Just though I’d put it out there because that was misinformed
Silver and below Vars universe: Why is EVERYONE playing Nasus?
Nasus has a boring design and none of his skins help in that regard (yes this is subjective), and he's gameplay isn't the most interesting to say the least
Idk I was lucky enough to play a 2 hour nasus game and I think I did pretty well late game 30k damage and all
As a Main..
Replace his Passive with his "Siphoning Strike" passive.
Where, for every ability that kills someone, it stacks his passive. Which boosts his abilities by a small, flat amount.
Siphoning Strike remains the same, each point powers it up.
For his W, the more damage you get the longer it'll slow, for every 10stacks his W lasts .5 seconds longer.
For his E, for every stack the % health damage and armor reduction goes up by .5
His ULT duration OR HP will be effected by his stats, have it so it's similar to W, every 10 stacks it lasts .5 seconds longer or for every stack he gains HP on his ult.
Now, the AMOUNT of stacks you'd actually get would have to differ. It can't be "6 and 12" like the current Siphoning Strike, since it doesn't grant it to JUST the Q. And getting to 700 stacks should be something of a difficult moment.
OR we can have it so that his W gives him Movement Speed towards the affected Target. And when he ults his abilities also gain a bit of a different, or "Empowered" affects, W now stuns for 0.5 Seconds if the full duration is kept on the target, and his E will shred more armor and deal more % Health damage.
His Passive, regardless, IMO, needs to be reworked. It's the ONE passive that just goes unnoticed. And is easily taken away by Grievous Wounds.
Can give him something like Veigars kit, but becuase of the insane damage that Nasus would then have? Not really prudent to give him that levle of scaling.
Reworking Nasus would be difficult. IF we want to make him more Harry Potter novel skills then we lose his core identity and that means we turn him into Yorick and Aatrox.
His ult empowering his other abilities like it does his Q would be significant enough of a change that it'd make him more viable. HAving it so that his W now also stuns if it isn't cleansed would make him a threat against Primary targets. He gets to W your carry? Now they're REAL slow, and inevitably will be briefly stunned. How can they work against that? IT doesn't matter fi the tank is peeling Nasus away, empowered abilities makes him a threat.
Or abilities that ALSO scale off of his stacks would make him a HUGE threat. He has counter-play by not being very mobile, and with proper countering of Nasus his stack gains would be impossible. Therefore, disrupting his powered up abilities.
I think that'd be more effective than what we have now. And he'll fall in line with Veigar and A'sol, BOTH of which have stacks that DIRECTLY impact their other abilities. With A'Sol having an evolved R because of it. He needs something like that.
Dog goes bonk
Your idea was great! Make the W and E amplify each other based on which is used first.
I personally play Nasus with Grasp or Phase Rush.
-If I have to face a champ with weak early game, I go AP Tank and start with Spirit Fire to push them out of lane as I stack. Starting item is usually Rylai's so I don't necessarily have to use Wither. I still stack as it makes you do serious AP and AD midgame.
-If I am fighting someone who has strong early game, I go tank item first, then armor pen. People also underestimate the power of a Spirit Visage.
I’m a brand new player, exploring top lane. And this was the champion I randomly chose to main. Just my luck it would be not meta 🤣
As a nasus main i know one thing, utill level 6 you are a potato.
No one plays Nasus because his build is very boring and abilities are too old now for them, but I have found a fun way to play Nasus that I even bring with me to ranked and that is that I play him AP on top. AP Nasus is very strategic and fun to play with his poke damage because his e and r stack with AP which even deal a ton of burn damage and the runes i use on him are sorcery and domination. AP Nasus rules early, middle and late game if you use him right
(important note)
His passive isn't all that important with AP Nasus as long you just remember to stack his q to get lifesteal working and buy lichbane with q to make a huge donk on an enemy. no need for nashor's tooth in AP Nasus because remember now when you are a tank in a 1 v 1 or teamfight, your ultimate and e will burn everything around you and you will get an ace. (it sounds too good to be true i know)
"mechanical outplay" – shows sett.
Renekton’s ultimate is better than nasus’s. Renekton’s deals a lot of damage, from the skill, and the fury
imo he has the most braindead kit, even braindead than yi
Honestly they should just make him not an infinite scaler
Hes known in the community as THE infinite scaler but there are better such as veigar,senna and kindred who increase their over all strength and lower their weakness
I really like how Nasus plays. But I just dont like his character design. (not into the aesthetic)
Tbh veigar best strength compare to nasus is not that his stacks affects all his kit , its that he is range and so can way more easily and safely stack up his passive where nasus unless playing jgl can't , very often if you play top as nasus you will get bullied out of the waves and out of farming your stacks because your opponent knows that you can't do jack shit about it