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CLASS CHANGES & ELE SHAMAN HOTFIXES | 11.0.5 Patch – The War Within


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00:00 Intro
00:20 Feral Druid
01:27 BM Hunter
02:02 Enhance Shaman
02:15 Resto Shaman
03:06 Ele Shaman

#thewarwithin #WoW #Warcraft

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  1. yeah october 30th changes have dropped and elemental has got ridiculous nerfs including stormbringer basical been just an 1 instant lightning cast instead of 2 alongside everything cut in half near enough so we likely mid tier now overtop nerfs

  2. Its been around 2 months they have announced these "changes".
    Ascendance does not work like the tooltip says. But they sure has to rush that nerf didnt they?
    Rotation has become convoluted and you can just button mash at times and do whatever while either gaining or losing dps especially on single target, aoe doesnt seem to have changed much.
    Secondary stats now seem to be changing in order with soft caps.
    Suddently we are dependent on a single cooldown for insane damage and after that it seems like before and perhaps worse since less perma haste now (you could manage cooldowns before and have constant elementals providing haste) now makes some 3-2 mob pulls extremely wokny and now it seems icefury is important but its a random proc which some times proc much sometimes you cant find it.
    Too often on single target rotation i get double stormkeeper essentialy wasting two lightning bolts.
    And they took away our excellent utility.
    Even you guys that tested the ptr dont have solid rotations and everything seems to work, or not?
    Spamming some more lighting bolts before was slightly repeating but once you got your haste going above 25% it became fluid and you were ramping up maelstorm fast enough that spamming it too much was not possible and learing to keep procs for moving became more and more relevant.
    I hope it gets better over the next days cause now im not feeling it.
    Edit: All these while needing even more buttons to press, with ascendance and potentialy icefury/primordial wave which you can be specced in both now. Apparently my previous 25 keybindings were not enough.

  3. Is ok blizz is stupid i quitted so is great! Iam sure alot of ppl are annoyed with blizz!i would like to see how many ppl are actually doining content cos i was in the aniversary event and it was almost empty amd i see even dorngal having reduced amount of players

  4. my god you are just the hottest petko I have seen! I'd happily make you 3 meals a day that would be specially made to eat and game at the same time! i'd massage your body and listen to you discuss wow info before we do a raid together.

  5. Man you people are pathetic complaining about Elemental. LOOK AT LOGS. Not what you see you in your 1/8 “mythic” guild or your 2200 IO run.

    Elemental has traditionally always been mid to trash. Now that Elemental is performing top 10 you clowns want to complain.

  6. Well it’s not like ele shamans are getting 500 cr above their skill lvl by one shoting everyone with 100 000 lava burts hitting for 500k each in less than 2 min. The dps of ele in arenas is just 3 times other dps.

  7. its kinda funny how people are upset about this buff into small nerf and it not being a bigger nerf you guys understand ur average ele player wont do the numbers ur seeing ur panicing cause players who are prob higher then ur average player are pumping well no shit its no diff then a fully gear fury war still dose a fuck load of dmg even after the nerf cause he fully geard and knows the class. now i will say it dose need to be tuned more ele i do agree with that but it dose not need to be gutted and thats what blizz will prob do.

  8. The fact that the shaman theorycrafters had the dignity to lie and say the buffs were minor when in reality they were in the range of 50% overall is silly. If they openly admitted the buffs were way too much, perhaps these could have been tuned down a bit and Ele kept in a healthy state. But with this kinda 'goon' mindset of the shaman playerbase, it's no surprise that everyone hopes they get nerfed back to dumpster again.

  9. Honestly? Good. I did hc BRD with an ele shaman and he was top dps by a significant margin on every boss and it was unnecessarily irritating listening to him wank himself off over his logs

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