League of Legends ADC guide: bot lane macro strategies explained.
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#ADC #Guide #LeagueOfLegends
Flatley Groves
I rose from Gold 1 to Diamond 4 applying this, great video!
Thank you for this info and tips! They will help me a lot and now I can choose wisely which lane to push depending on the number of towers/gold and neutral objectives!
sexellent video, would love one about late game macro, as I always feel like I lose the most carryable games when all turrets are fallen and the teamfights are super fast and chaotic and we're always under pressure of losing the game because nobody defends our exposed nexus.
This and the laning guide are the best guides I've ever seen, clear and concise.
As a mid laner: no you don't get to farm my waves, no matter how much you heard online guides tell you this.
"top lane is boring af"
"yeah lol"
pick humour
Que te costaba activar los subtítulos 🥺
If you were to put a pricetag in missed minions on recall with said amount of gold in bag what would be the "worth ratio" 300gold in bag per 1 lost minion? I struggle to calculate when its worth to cheetah.
If you're terribly behind in gold and xp, shouldn't you farm solo in a side lane instead of joining your team for a pointless fight?
Fights are more important than farm
Me: forcing calls for my team to engage, so i can farm in safety
In five minutes, you gave more information than most LoL videos on Youtube, it's insane! 3 years later and it's still one (if not the best) videos in the topic
Top guide pls
I mean tbf it would help if you E or flash away from him rather than to the side
That one 0/10/1 mid yasuo after I watch this video
cc is not available, please fix
I was a bronze 2 jungler/toplaner for 3 seasons, after this video and having kalista free to play this week, I've climbed to plat 3 in just 5 days!!!
" Let them farm to avoid a rage quit " hahahahahaha, post D2 probably S5 player here, shit never changes, they will still rage quit!
love the guides keep up the good work!
03:40 yes ..
No one understands that ADC needs the farm…and then complaint when you are below or tale jungle camps..